Denmark Adds To Annual WADA Contribution To Target Code Compliance

The Government of Denmark has announced a contribution of USD 70,000 to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), with the funds…


WADA, IPC Developing Whistleblower Policies

The IPC is working on a policy for athletes who come forward with evidence.


WADA Suspends Paris Laboratory

WADA has suspended the Paris testing laboratory’s accreditation for up to six months. 

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Rate of WADA Positive Test Jumped By 27% in 2016

The World Anti-Doping Agency has released an extensive 300-plus page report on its findings from 2016.


Österreichischer Meister Sebastian Steffan gesperrt wegen Dopings

Die österreichische Anti-Doping-Rechtskommission (ÖADR) hat den Schwimmer Sebastian Steffan für zwölf Monate gesperrt. Bei dem 20-Jährigen wurde am 16. Juli…

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Austrian Champion Sebastian Steffan Handed 12-Month Doping Ban

The Austrian Anti-Doping Legal Committee announced today that 20-year-old Sebastian Steffan has tested positive for heptaminol.

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WADA Publishes 2018 List of Banned Substances and Methods

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has released the 2018 List of Banned Substances and Methods.


Three Russian Cyclists Sue WADA, McLaren After Missing Olympics

Three Russian cyclists are suing the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and investigator Richard McLaren for damages after McLaren’s report to WADA kept them out of the Rio Olympics last summer.


New Study Estimates Doping Prevalence of At Least 30% in Elite Sports

A group of researchers have released a new study in the Sports Medicine journal earlier this week, and the results indicate…


WADA lanciert “Speak UP!” App zur Informationssammlung

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur  (WADA) hat die App, “Speak Up!” veröffentlicht – geeignet für iPhone and Android. Die digitale Plattform ist dazu gedacht,…

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WADA Reveals New ‘Speak Up!’ App For Anti-Doping Violation Reporting

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recently launched its new ‘Speak Up!’ doping violation reporting app.


Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur denkt über Verbot von Koffein nach

In den neuesten Überlegungen der World Anti-Doping Agency, welche Substanzen auf die Liste der für Sportler verbotenen Mittel sollen, tauchen…

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Spanish Anti-Doping Org Removed From WADA’s Non-Compliant List

In response to the Spanish government proposing the implementation of notably stricter anti-doping legislation, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has…

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WADA Monitoring, Looking At Possible Corticosteroids & Caffeine Ban

Two substances are reportedly under review by WADA as potential performance enhancers headed toward a ban.


WADA Demands Power to Ban Countries from International Competition

In light of recent scandals, the World Anti Doping Agency has demanded the power to ban countries that are judged to have promoted systematic doping from international competition.