Tony Estanguet

Seine River Fails Another Water Quality Test With Just One Month Until Paris Olympics

E. coli levels were 10 times above acceptable limits on June 18 after another month of heavy rainfall sent untreated sewage into the Seine River.


Paris Officials Open Austerlitz Water Tank, A Crucial Piece of the Seine River Clean Up Plan

The Austerlitz water tank can hold 13.2 million gallons of water, making it a critical piece of Paris organizers’ plans to make the Seine safe for athletes.


Paris 2024 Olympic Flame Sets Sail for France From Greece

The flame will spend 11 days on board a 19th-century ship before arriving May 8 in Marseilles, where the French leg of the Olympic torch relay will begin.


Olympic Triathlon Could Become A Duathlon Due To The Seine’s Water Quality

Organizers of the Paris Games admit that triathlon events may need to drop the swimming portion of the races if the Seine’s water quality is poor.


After $120 Million Cost Overrun, Paris 2024 Inaugurates New Olympic Aquatics Centre

The Olympic Aquatics Centre project became the most expensive piece of the Paris 2024 organization, including a number of record-setting elements.


Approvata La Tregua Olimpica, Ma Russia E Siria Si Sono Astenute

L’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite ha approvato la risoluzione sulla Tregua Olimpica per i Giochi Olimpici e Paralimpici del 2024

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Russia and Syria Abstain From Vote As United Nations Adopts Olympic Truce For 2024

Russia and Syria abstained from voting for the Olympic Truce, which is a revival of the Greek tradition to allow safe passage for athletes to the Games.

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Olympic Roundup: Paris 2024 Unveils Mascots; Tokyo Bribery Scandal Continues to Grow

One of the two mascot characters, the “Paralympic Phryge,” has a running blade on his right leg, marking the first Olympic mascot with a visible disability.


Who Is Thomas Jolly, Director of Paris 2024 Opening and Closing Ceremonies?

Paris Olympic organizers have selected Thomas Jolly as their artistic director for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2024 Games and the Paralympics. 


La Crisi Economica Si Riflette Su Parigi 2024-Chieste Misure Di Risparmio

La crisi economica si riflette anche su Parigi 2024. Il ministro francese ha chiesto tagli agli sprechi e misure economiche al ribasso

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French Sports Minister Requests Lower Specs For Paris 2024 Amidst Inflation

The Paris organizing committee will be hunting for cost-cutting measures due to the global economic climate.


Olympic roundup: ISU raises minimum age; Paris 2024 budget ‘at risk’

The International Skating Union (ISU) voted Tuesday to gradually increase the minimum age for senior competitions from 15 to 17. 


Parigi 2024 Presenta Una Rivoluzionaria Cerimonia Di Apertura

I Giochi di Parigi 2024 saranno caratterizzati da una cerimonia di apertura completamente diversa da tutto ciò che abbiamo visto finora.

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Pubblicato Il Programma Per I Volontari Olimpiadi Parigi 2024

Il consiglio di amministrazione di Parigi 2024, guidato dall’olimpionico Tony Estanguet, ha approvato lo schema del programma di volontariato

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Paris Updates on Preparations for 2024 Olympic Games

The headquarters of the Paris 2024 Organising Committee has been fully operational since January. The judo and wrestling Olympic venue will open on June 12th.