swim practice

Dolfin Uglies Make Your Practice Perfect

Year after year, season after season, swimmers across the country continue to get excited about Dolfin Uglies and they cannot wait to get their hands on the new prints

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Does Water Have Memory

If you spend, as many swimmers do, up to 20 hours per week in the water at swim practice, this…


How to Make a Massive Swim Cap

If, for any reason, you have not made a massive swim cap, it is time to get started. (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)

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The American Swimming Team – Dominant or In Decline?

“By any account the American Swimming Team’s performance in London…was one of the most dominant in Olympic history.” (Swim Photo Credit: CW)


College Recruiting: Never Call a Coach Dude

“Every coach deserves your respect and undivided attention when they call.” (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)


Go Strapless

Think back to the first time you put a paddle on your hand…