Swim Ireland

In Irlanda Piscine Chiuse Per 4 Settimane. Avanti Solo Nuotatori D’Elite

In Irlanda sono state introdotte restrizioni più severe negli ultimi giorni, che hanno avuto un nuovo impatto sulla comunità

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Aquatics Activities Locked Down in Ireland As Tougher Restrictions Introduced

The new measures will force some pools to close, group swimming lessons to cease and pose difficulties for swimmers that travel to another county to train

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10% of Pools In Ireland Permanently Closed, According To New Report

Lockdown and pool closures have caused huge financial losses for Swim Ireland, with new restrictions now causing more changes to the competition plan for 2020

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Swim Ireland Reveals Plan For 2020 Winter National Championships

Swim Ireland’s short course competition plan features a Virtual Meet in October as well as two ‘Actual’ Meets in November and December

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Swim Ireland’s Return To Water Video Tribute Will Move You

“It’s been lonely…so quiet…so calm…so empty.” This description of Swim Ireland’s Return to Water connects with aquatic athletes on all levels.

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Northern Ireland Pools Set To Open Friday, July 24th

Things are looking up for Northern Ireland athletes, with swimming pools, spas and community centers getting the green light to open on Friday, July 24th.

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Inghilterra Riapre, In Scozia Galles Irlanda Del Nord Piscine Ancora Chiuse

Inghilterra ha finalmente decretato la riapertura dei centri sportivi In Scozia, Irlanda del Nord e Galles le piscine continuano a rimanere chiuse.

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Assemblea Swim Ireland Approva L’Equilibrio Di Genere Nel Consiglio

L’assemblea generale di Swim Ireland ha approvato una mozione a favore dell’attuazione dell’equilibrio di genere all’interno del Consiglio

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Beyond The Lane Lines: Gender Balance Within Swim Ireland

Catch up on swimming stories from around the web, including Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and more in this edition of Beyond the Lane Lines.

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Ireland’s Robbie Powell Hit With One-Year Suspension For Positive Test

20-year-old Robbie Powell’s name was absent from the entry lists for this year’s Irish Open Championships. Now, two months later we know why.


Swim Ireland Establishes 2020-21 Season Plan Including Olympic Trials

Swim Ireland released its targeted plan for the 2020-21 racing season, including its National Championships (Olympic Trials) meet in June of next year.

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Swim Ireland National Training Center Has Soft Reopen Date Of May 18th

Swim Ireland has today revealed its ‘Return to Water Roadmap’, which includes a rollout plan for both performance and club swimming.

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Irlanda Pronta A Ripartire, Scozia Prolunga Il Lockdown

In Irlanda si preparano i protocolli per il graduale ritorno alla normalità. In Scozia si prolunga il lockdown e si sconsiglia il nuoto in acque libere

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Swim Ireland Preparing Protocol For Clubs As Country Eases Restrictions

Swim Ireland has established a “Return to the Aquatics Protocols” group and readying information for clubs as restrictions in the country will soon be eased.


Swim Ireland Releases Qualifying Times For Nation’s Olympic Trials

Shane Ryan is among the Irish swimmers vying for spots on the nation’s Olympic team, but first, they need to do work at the Irish Open Championships.