Santo Condorelli

Santo Condorelli, Daniel Diehl, Dakota Luther To Compete In Futures Champs This Week (Psychs)

Condorelli is not competing in Paris this week and will instead swim in Austin at one of five Futures locations this weekend.


L’ultima Volta Che Ogni Paese Europeo Ha Vinto Una Medaglia Olimpica

Almeno un Paese europeo che ha vinto una medaglia in tutti i Giochi Olimpici dalla prima Olimpiade di Atene del 1896. Vediamo nello specifico

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Anastasia Kirpichnikova Qualifies for French Olympic Team After Previously Representing Russia

The Russian native changed her sporting nationality to French last April, allowing her to represent France at the upcoming Paris Olympics.


Rigettato L’Appello Di Santo Condorelli, Non Può Partecipare Ai Trials

É stato rigettato il ricorso di Santo Condorelli: non potrà partecipare ai Trials Olimpici degli Stai Uniti per ineleggibilità

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Santo Condorelli Eligibility Appeal Rejected; No Entry at U.S. Olympic Trials

Condorelli, who has previously represented Canada (2016) and Italy on the Olympic stage (2021), was deemed ineligible to compete at the U.S. Olympic Trials


Santo Condorelli Is Appealing Eligibility Decision for US Olympic Swimming Trials

Condorelli was allegedly denied eligibility to swim at trials, but intends to challenge that decision and race the 50/100 free and 100 fly.


Santo Condorelli Ha Proposto Appello Per La Sua Eleggibilità A Partecipare Ai Trials

Santo Condorelli ha presentato ricorso per ottenere l’eleggibilità a partecipare ai Trials ed, eventualmente, alle Olimpiadi per gli Stati Uniti

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1007 Swimmers Qualify For 2024 U.S. Olympic Trials As Updated Psych Sheets Released

Kaitlyn Dobler will compete at the U.S. Olympic Trials as the updated psych sheets show her as the #3 seed in the women’s 100 breast and #6 in the 200 breast.


Who Is NOT Swimming at the 2024 U.S. Olympic Trials, Despite Qualifying

Former Stanford swimmer Daniel Roy is among those absent from the psych sheet despite blasting the fourth-fastest 200 breast time among Americans this season.


Santo Condorelli Non É Tra Gli Iscritti Ai Trials Olimpici U.S.A.

Santo Condorelli, che ha vinto l’argento a Tokyo 2020 con la staffetta italiana 4×100 stile libero maschile, non risulta iscritto ai Trials USA

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Tokyo Medalists Condorelli and Hinds absent from Pre-Scratch Psych Sheets

Tokyo silver medalist Santo Condorelli does not appear in the Pre-Scratch Psych Sheets for any event; nor does Tokyo Bronze medalist Natalie Hinds.


Erin Gemmell Time Trials 1:57.26 in 200 FR at Longhorn Elite Invite, Now US #4 This Season

Following her 1:57.51 season best, Erim Gemmell posted 1:57.26 during Saturday’s time trials to move up to 4th in the US this season in the 200 free.


Trials Canada Batterie Day7: Josh Liendo Record Canadese Nei 100 Farfalla

Josh Liendo continua ad andare forte a Toronto. Nelle batterie dei 100 farfalla ha stabilito il nuovo record nazionale con il 3° tempo al mondo

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All the Links for All the Meets: Atlanta, Austin, Irvine, Richmond, Indy & Tempe

All the members of the USA’s Tokyo medley relay are competing at different sites across the country, with Nic Fink in Austin and the others in Irvine.


2024 Pro Swim Series – San Antonio: Day 4 Finals Live Recap

The Pro Swim Series stop in San Antonio concludes Saturday night with finals of the 800 freestyle, 100 backstroke, 200 breaststroke, 200 IM, and 50 freestyle.