Roland Schoeman Apologized to Cesar Cielo for Criticism After Testing Positive
When Cielo tested positive for banned diuretic furosemide in 2011 and did not get suspended, Schoeman said that the case “set a dangerous precedent.”
Motivazioni Squalifica Schoeman: 16.500$ Per Provare La Contaminazione
FINA pubblica il documento sulle motivazioni della squalifica di un anno inflitta a Schoeman. L’atleta ha speso 16.500$ per provare la contaminazione
Doping Panel Decision Reveals Schoeman Spent $16K to Investigate Positive Test
While he couldn’t provide evidence of a source of accidental ingestion, the Doping Panel found, among other things, that probability was in Schoeman’s favor.
Epic Swims: The South African Quartet Who Shocked the 2004 Olympics
Heading into the 2004 Olympics, the men’s 4×100 free relay was a hot commodity. The United States had swept the…
Rinvio Olimpiadi Al 2021 Quali Nuotatori Ne Trarranno Vantaggio
Il rinvio al 2021 dei Giochi riapre potenzialmente le porte a nuotatori che erano esclusi da Tokyo 2020. Tra infortuni e sospensioni, vediamo chi sono.
Whose Circumstances Could Benefit From the 1-Year Olympic Postponement?
Postponement is a necessary, safe option – to that end, we all benefit. But the year-long extension will give some swimmers a renewed opportunity.
South Africa Announces New OLY Trials Date For Postponed Event
Swimming South Africa has announced its revised dates for the National Championships which doubles as its Olympic Trials.
South African Olympic Trials Postponed, Opening Door For Schoeman
The South African Olympic Trials have been postponed, leaving just the 2020 Japan Swim on the docket for the month of April.
Selezione Olimpica Sudafrica:Trials Ad Aprile,Schoeman Tenterà A Giugno
Il sudafrica comporrà la squadra olimpica durante i campionati nazionali di aprile ma se resteranno posti liberi c’è tempo per qualificarsi fino al 29 giugno.
South Africa Finally Releases OLY Selection With Possible Schoeman Loophole
Check out what South African swimmers need to do to qualify for Tokyo, including how now-banned Roland Schoeman could potentially still be in the mix.
Roland Schoeman Parla Dopo La Squalifica FINA Di Un Anno
Roland Schoeman pubblica un comunicato a seguito della squalifica inflitta dalla FINA per aver assunto una sostanza proibita nel maggio 2019
Roland Schoeman Speaks for First Time Since Doping Suspension Announced
Schoeman says that he believes a tainted supplement was responsible for his positive test, and that the ordeal has changed his perspective on other athletes’ doping cases.
Roland Schoeman Tests Positive, Banned One Year By FINA
39-year-old South African Olympian Roland Schoeman has been banned for one year after reportedly having tested positive for a banned substance.
Roland Schoeman Positivo Antidoping, Un Anno Di Sospensione
Roland Schoeman, olimpico sudafricano, è risultato positivo ad un test antidoping ed ha ricevuto dalla FINA la sanzione della sospensione di un anno.
La Recordista Mexicana Lili Ibáñez Se Une Al Grupo De Brett Hawke
Brett Hawke (en la imagen superior) también entrena a Bruno Fratus, medallista mundial de plata en los 50 libre masculinos.