2023 British Championships: Day 2 Finals Live Recap
Freya Colbert comes into tonight as the top seed in the women’s 800 free, which is a timed finals event.
Campionati Britannici: Archie Goodburn Record Nazionale 50 Rana Nelle Batterie
Il secondo giorno dei Campionati britannici di nuoto 2023 ha visto un altro record nazionale scozzese cadere nelle manche.
2023 British Championships Day 2 Prelims: Goodburn Clocks 50 Breast Scottish Record
Archie Goodburn fired off a new personal best of 27.19 to take the top seed in the men’s 50m breast, logging a new Scottish national record.
2023 British Championships – Day 1 Finals Live Recap
Tune in now for the first session of finals at the 2023 British Swimming Championships for races including the men’s 400 free and women’s 400 IM.
2023 British Championships Day One Prelims Recap
Olympian Freya Anderson leads the women’s 200m freestyle field after the first heats session of the 2023 British Swimming Championships.
Campionati Nazionali Britannici: Le Iscrizioni Femminili Più Rilevanti
I Campionati britannici di nuoto del 2023 sono alle porte: l’azione prenderà il via da Ponds Forge martedì 4 aprile. Le iscrizioni femminili
PSS Fort Lauderdale: British Swimming Roundup
A sizeable British contingent dove in over the course of the Pro Swim Series in Fort Lauderdale, landing on the podium across multiple events.
Pro Swim Series-Fort Lauderdale Risultati Completi Finali Day4
L’ultimo giorno di gare a Fort Lauderdale, ha visto gli 800 stile libero, i 100 dorso, i 200 rana, i 100 farfalla, i 200 Misti e i 50 Stile libero.
2023 Pro Swim Series – Fort Lauderdale: Day 4 Finals Live Recap
The last finals session of the 2023 Pro Swim Series in Fort Lauderdale is here, featuring the 800 free, 100 back, 200 breast, 100 fly, 200 IM, and 50 free.
2023 Pro Swim Series – Fort Lauderdale: Day 4 Prelims Live Recap
The final morning session of the PSS – Fort Lauderdale takes place today with prelims of the 100 back, 200 breast, 100 fly, 200 IM, and 50 free.
Pro Swim Series: Analisi E Risultati Batterie Day3
Il terzo giorno delle Pro Swim Series si è aperto a Fort Lauderdale in Florida con risultati molto interessanti già al mattino
Pro Swim Series Fort Lauderdale: Risultati Completi Finali Day2
Dopo aver dedicato i nostri approfondimenti ai record stabiliti questa notte alla PSS in Florida, vediamo tutti i risultati del Day2.
2023 Pro Swim Series – Fort Lauderdale: Day 2 Prelims Live Recap
Lilly King and Annie Lazor lead the women’s 100 breast field by a wide margin. King is the Pro Swim Series Record holder, having swum a 1:05.32 in 2021.
Pro Swim Series: McIntosh E Ledecky In Acqua-Recap Batterie Day2
La prima giornata completa delle Pro Swim Series 2023 a Fort Lauderdale è arrivata. Il recap completo e i risultati delle batterie
2022 Short Course Worlds: 3 Teams Opt for Typical MMFF Mixed Medley Order
Murphy and Fink will start off Team USA’s mixed medley relay in the finals. They are one of only three teams using the typical male-male-female-female order.