La Squadra dei Paesi Bassi Per I Mondiali-Kamminga Rinuncia
La federazione olandese ha annunciato la rosa di 16 nuotatori che rappresenteranno i Paesi Bassi ai prossimi Campionati Mondiali
16-Member Dutch Team Announced For Short Course Worlds; Kamminga Opting Out
Arno Kamminga has opted out of the SC World Championships, but the Dutch will string a bring a strong roster of 16 to Melbourne next month.
Kira Toussaint To Train At Tennessee Through Paris, Work As Volunteer Assistant
The two-time Dutch Olympian will work as a volunteer assistant with the Vols while continuing her training with the Tennessee pro group through 2024.
La Nazionale Olandese Per Gli Europei Di Roma 2022
La Federazione Reale Olandese di Nuoto (KNZB) ha annunciato la sua rosa per i Campionati Europei 2022 che si svolgeranno a Roma
Dutch Look To Fill Kromo & Heemskerk Void At 2022 European Championships
The Royal Dutch Swimming Federation (KNZB) has announced its roster for the 2022 European Championships taking place next month in Rome, Italy.
La Primatista Europea Kira Toussaint Torna Ad Allenarsi In Tennessee
L’olandese Kira Toussaint, ha annunciato che tornerà a Knoxville, Tennessee,per allenarsi con il capo allenatore Matt Kredich
European Record Holder Kira Toussaint Changes Training Base to Knoxville, TN
Dutch backstroke ace and former 50 back World Record holder Kira Toussaint will be returning to train with her former college coach Matt Kredich.
I Mondiali Di Budapest E Le Sovrapposizioni Nel Calendario Estivo
L’inserimento di un’edizione 2022 dei Mondiali FINA, si inserisce in un calendario già molto fitto per il nuoto, soprattutto Europeo
Revised Major International Events Calendar & Initial Impact Of Budapest 2022
It was less than a week ago that we published an elite international events calendar and the trend of making changes continues.
Mark Faber Takes Over As Dutch National Team Head Coach
The Royal Dutch Swimming Federation (KNZB) has announced a big change in its coaching staff in this post-Tokyo 2020 phase.
2020 Swammy Awards: Mark Faber Is This Year’s European Coach of the Year
This year’s European Coach of the Year goes to the coach of the Netherlands’ best of 2020 including world record breaker Kira Toussaint.
Andre Cats Hands Over KNZB Recreational Responsibilities To Guust Jutte
The Royal Dutch Swimming Federation (KNZB) has announced that responsibilities in the field of recreational swimming have been turned over to Guust Jutte.
Dutch Swimming Federation Revamps National Talent Development Process
The KNZB will specifically target junior and youth swimmers for its Training Centers for Swimming, while the top-level athletes will train at the HPCs.
Dutch Federation Extends All National Team Coaches Through 2021 Olympics
Ranomi Kromowidjojo, who trains at the National Training Center in Eindhoven, will get to continue her work their with Marcel Wouda through 2021.
Heemskerk & Toussaint Head Up 8-Strong Dutch Euro SC C’ships Roster
Olympian Femke Heemskerk took silver in the women’s 200m free at the 2017 European Short Course Championships. She’s bound for Glasgow this December.