Konstantin Grigorishin

Grigorishin : Faremo Gli Accorgimenti Necessari In Caso Di Rinvio Tokyo

Konstantin Grigorishin esprime solidarietà agli atleti in difficoltà e dichiara che la stagione 2 ISL si adatterà in caso di rinvio delle olimpiadi

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The ISL: Something to Celebrate

The emergence of the International Swimming League has been unprecedented in the world of swimming and creates high hopes for the future of the sport.


ISL to Add Tokyo, Toronto Teams in Second Season; Kitajima to Head ISL Japan

Four-time Olympic champion Kosuke Kitajima will head the yet-to-be-named ISL Tokyo team, while Global Swim Series’ Robert Kent will lead the Toronto squad.


Konstantin Grigorishin: Prossima Stagione ISL Avrà 27 Incontri E 10 Squadre

Konstantin Grigorishin ha rilasciato un’intervista al Washington Post dove annuncia che la prossima stagione della ISL avrà 27 incontri e 10 squadre

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Grigorishin: Next ISL Season Will Feature 27 Meets and 2 Additional Teams

ISL founder Konstantin Grigorishin told The Washington Post he expects the league’s second season to run from Sept. to April and feature 27 meets. f


Presentata Tappa ISL-Federica Pellegrini”ISL Regala Uno Show Al Nuoto”

Presentata oggi, venerdì 11 Ottobre la seconda tappa della International Swimming League. Alla conferenza stampa Federica Pellegrini

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The ISL Descends Upon Indy: Analyzing Each Team’s Possible Outcome

Saturday at 2:00 pm EST, a new chapter will begin in swimming as the first race of the International Swimming League dives in for the women’s 100 butterfly.


ISL E Le Iniziative Sociali: I Campioni Del Nuoto Nei Quartieri Di Napoli

La ISL (International Swimming League) arriva a Napoli portando con sé molte iniziative per la città.I campioni del nuoto nei quartieri di Napoli.

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CBC Sports Will Live-Stream ISL Meets in Canada

CBC Sports has formed a deal with the ISL to broadcast the league’s opening season for Canadian viewers.


Federica Pellegrini Is Earning ‘Around 40,000 Euros’ as ISL Ambassador

ISL founder Konstantin Grigorishin says that he has already spent $25 million funding the first season of the International Swimming League.


Grigorishin: “I Nuotatori Devono Guadagnare Quanto I Calciatori”

Konstantin Grigorishin esprime a “Il Sole 24 Ore” la sua visione del nuoto del futuro. I nuotatori devono guadagnare quanto i calciatori


International Swimming League Firma Esclusiva 2 Anni Con Eurosport

International Swimming League ha firmato un accordo di esclusiva per i prossimi di due anni con Eurosport garantendo la trasmissione globale degli eventi

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ISL Signs Exclusive 2-Year Rights Deal With Eurosport

The International Swimming League (ISL) has entered into an exclusive, two-year broadcast deal with Eurosport, but not every major nation is included.


Natalie Coughlin Volverá A La Competición Con DC Trident

La plantilla de DC Trident para la temporada de 2019 de la ISL incluirá a dos leyendas de la natación estadounidense: Natalie Coughlin y Katie Ledecky.

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Energy Standard Ufficializza La Squadra ISL. C’E’ Anche Ben Proud

Durante la conferenza stampa tenutasi ieri pomeriggio (leggi qui l’articolo) la Energy Standard è stata tra le prime squadre Europee a formalizzare…

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