Hayley Mackinder

Monique Wieruszowski Record Nazionale Neozelandese Nei 50 Rana

Monique Wieruszowski ha stabilito il nuovo record nazionale neozelandese durante l’ultima sessione di gare al Queensland Championship

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Kaylee McKeown In Gara Nel Week End Al Queensland Medal Shots

Il secondo meeting del Queensland Medal Shots prenderà il via venerdì 10 novembre. In gara anche l’olimpionica Kaylee McKeown

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Kaylee McKeown Bound For Breaststroke In Brisbane

Olympic backstroking champion Kaylee McKeown is entered in the 50m/100m breaststroke events for this weekend’s Queensland Medal Shots Prep Meet.


Sienna Toohey, 14, Swims 1:08.98 100 Breast in Australia, Ranks #2 in Age Group All-Time

Only Leisel Jones, who won an Olympic silver medal the same year, has been faster than Sienna Toohey in the 100 breaststroke at age 14 in Australia.


Armbruster & Groves Among Returnees At 2023 QLD SC Championships

The 2023 Queensland Short Course Championships concluded over the weekend with multiple athletes making their return to the pool.