Katie Grimes Named ACC Swimmer of the Week After Virginia Debut; Coll Marti Claims Men’s Award
Grimes swept all three individual events she competed in to help lead the Cavaliers to a win against Virginia Tech.
UVA vs. Virginia Tech 2025: Live Recap
It’s the final home dual meet for Gretchen Walsh and the rest of the UVA seniors, as the Cavaliers take on their intrastate rivals, the Virginia Tech Hokies.
Six Pool Records Fall As Virginia Tech Men, South Carolina Women Split Dual Meet
Carles Coll Marti continued to excel after his 200 breast world title, swimming three of the pool records that fell in the Hokies’ duel with South Carolina.
20 Pool Records Fall at Queens vs Virginia Tech Dual Meet
The Virginia Tech vs Queens dual meet saw 20 new pool records, three of which came from individual swims by Hokies swimmer Carles Coll Marti
Carles Coll Marti on Surprise 200 Breast World Title: “I wish Marchand was here”
The Virginia Tech Hokie was excited and grateful for the opportunity to compete against the best in the world, but lamented that one of the best was missing
Mondiali Di Nuoto In Vasca Corta: Il Riassunto Finale Dell’Edizione Di Budapest 2024
I Mondiali in Vasca Corta 2024, terminati una settimana fa, hanno visto atleti da tutto il mondo brillare alla Duna Arena di Budapest, Ungheria
Kolesnikov Does Damage At 2024 Vladimir Salnikov Cup
Olympic medalist Kliment Kolesnikov put his versatility on display at the 2024 Vladimir Salnikov Cup in St. Petersburg, Russia.
2024-25 NCAA Men’s Power Rankings: Post-Invites Edition
Rex Maurer and the Texas Longhorns take over the #1 spot in our NCAA Power Rankings after a dominant performance at their home invite.
Mondiali In Vasca Corta 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Ultimo Giorno
Si chiude oggi una settimana di emozioni, record e straordinarie prestazioni da parte dei migliori nuotatori al mondo. Recap Live ultimo giorno
Mondiali In Vasca Corta Di Budapest 2024: Recap LIVE Finali Day 5
Si sta per aprire un’altra sessione di finali e semifinali che potrebbe far staccare altri assegni da 25K a World Aquatics. Recap Live Day 5
Mondiali In Vasca Corta Budapest 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Batterie Day 5
Siamo giunti al quinto giorno di gare alla Duna Arena. Stamattina in acqua vedremo gare avvincenti come le batterie dei 50 stile libero e i 400 misti.
2024 SC World Championships: Day 4 Finals Live Recap
Kate Douglass is slated to race in two finals tonight: first, the 200 breast, where she is the world record holder, then the 100 IM, where she’s 2nd seed.
Walsh’s World Record Onslaught Gives Her $187K In Earnings Through Four Days of SC Worlds
Having broken six world records individually and another on a relay, Gretchen Walsh is cleaning up at Short Course Worlds with a stunning money haul.
2024 SC Worlds: Day 4 Pick ‘Em Contest Standings
Kate Douglass and Gretchen Walsh were fan favorites in the 100 IM entries, Walsh won the event while Douglass finished 2nd.
Mondiali In Vasca Corta Budapest: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Day 4
Ci aspetta una sessione di finali ricca di emozioni e dove potrebbero cadere altri World Records. Restate connessi con il nostro Live Recap