Schooling Set To Be Part Of MMA Championship Fighter’s Entourage

by Retta Race 9

March 29th, 2017 Asia, International, News

2016 Olympic gold medalist Joseph Schooling may not have had the NCAA Championships for which he was hoping individually, finishing 2nd to Caeleb Dressel in the 100 fly and missing out on the 200 fly final, but his home nation still considers him their sporting hero. After racing his way to the top of the podium in Rio ahead of American icon Michael Phelps, Schooling continues to be treated as a king in Singapore, complete with parades, meet-and-greets and a huge gold medal bonus to boot.

Next on Schooling’s schedule is to return to his home nation in May to be a member of mixed martial arts (MMA) star Angela Lee’s walkout team during her next big competition. Lee, who represents the youngest world champion in MMA history, has selected Schooling to be a member of her entourage set to enter the stadium at the One: Dynasty of Heroes championship fight at Singapore Indoor Stadium on May 26th. The fight is a 5-round bout set against Brazil’s Istela Nunes.

Says Lee of having Schooling on board, “I am very happy to be including Joseph Schooling in my walkout as I defend my world title for the second time, this time right here in Singapore.

“I can’t wait to hear the roar of the crowd as their two champions walk out to the cage, one holding the One Championship belt and the other with the Singapore national flag.” (The Strait Times)

For Schooling’s part, the 21-year-old is eagerly awaiting the adventure, after having to pass on a previous invitation back in November due to University of Texas obligations.

“This time around, I definitely do not want to miss the chance to walk alongside Angela Lee, as she defends her title against Istela Nunes. I am looking forward to the event – it will definitely be spectacular,” says Schooling. (The Strait Times)

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8 years ago

What does this have to do with swimming

Reply to  Swimming
8 years ago

Joseph Schooling is an Olympic gold medalist in swimming. He beat out Michael Phelps in the 100 fly in Rio, and swam the fastest time ever in a (suit that would be legal now). HTH!

8 years ago

Hope the fighter doesn’t tank the fight like Schooling tanked the 200 fly at NCAAs.

8 years ago

That’s the way swimming stars should be treated in this country.

8 years ago

Very lucky

Reply to  SwimSwamSwum
8 years ago

It is not just dye to luck.

Reply to  ELLIE
8 years ago


8 years ago

The kid is having a blast.

8 years ago

Lucky dude

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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