RACE VIDEO: Watch Ethan Dang break 100 breaststroke NAG for 11-12s

12-year-old Ethan Dang rewrote both of the long course breaststroking National Age Group records this weekend at the Pacific Northwest Swimming Championships. Watch the video above for his 100, a race some time in the making.

Dang missed the record by just .01 earlier this month, but broke through on Saturday night, going 1:08.96 to take down the old mark of 1:09.48. He’s now the first 12-year-old in USA Swimming history to break 1:09.

Video courtesy of the Dang family on YouTube.

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10 years ago

Ethan is an amazing breaststroker. He doesn’t look to be much taller than his competitors. Does anyone know how tall Ethan Dang is?

Reply to  Allen
10 years ago

Ethan is 5’3″

10 years ago

Background story pretty remarkable regarding BOBO. Love to read his commentaries !

10 years ago


10 years ago

Does he have a quick dolphin kick at the end of his kick cycle or is that his thrust from the end of his kick ? Can’t tell from video, whatever it is it’s really propelling him. Great swim !

10 years ago

His stroke reminds me of Alia Atkinson’s…. I would love to see them race lol

bobo gigi
10 years ago

Where is Psychodad?
He has probably something to say about his technique.

Reply to  bobo gigi
10 years ago

Not much to say, Bobo… it’s clean and smooth… and FAST.

Stef Babcock
Reply to  bobo gigi
10 years ago

Bobo Gigi is probably one of the jealous type parents or a swimmer experienced with psycho parenting! Ethan’s parents don’t know much about swimming world. They just support their kids’ interest and leave all the decision making to Ethan’s coach, Keith Ure who is an excellent coach. He is not only coaching Ethan but also influencing the young boy’s well-liked personality.

Reply to  Stef Babcock
10 years ago

Stef Babcock – I can see you’re new here, so you probably aren’t familiar with bobo gigi. He is famous, however, for being one of the best commenters swimming has ever seen. He lives in France, never swam, and had no children who swim. He is a swim fan, and is very, very knowledgeable about the sport, and taught himself English through reading and commenting about swimming.

Believe it or not, everyone in our sport is not a jealous parent. There are real fans in the sport, and it’s important to not push them out, because they’re the ones who are growing the sport.

If you want to say something supportive of young Mr. Dang, please feel free to do… Read more »

Stef Babcock
Reply to  Braden Keith
10 years ago

If my interpretation is wrong, I apologize to Bobo Gigi — sorry Bobo Gigi :). I admire the fact that he self-taught himself learning perfect English. Keep commenting on our young swimmers! I am a supporting parent myself. We just spend hours driving our kids to practice, sit for hours at swim meet and the only yelling and scolding are about the kids not drinking enough water! I think we should leave the coaching and criticizing to the coaches. Swimmers have ups and downs. All the swimmers are awesome because they can survive gruesome 5-day meet with great swims and recording breaking. Parents should be proud of our swimmers! SB

Reply to  Braden Keith
10 years ago

I heart you Braden, and clearly all of us are obsessed with Bobo. Don’t pick on Bobo!

10 years ago

Comparison of the Top Ten Times previous to record

1-1:09.48- Maverick Smalley- 2000- GU- TWST
2- 1:09.49- Ethan Dang- 2014- PN- KING
3- 1:09.95- Michael Andrew- 2012- MV- UN
4 -1:10.05- Matthew Limbacher- 2013- FL- T2
5- 1:10.24- Sean Mahoney- 2001- PC- TERA
6- 1:10.31- Joshua Choi- 2005- SN- SMST
7- 1:10.74- Karson Farrell- 2010- CA- BCH
8- 1:10.97- Zach Stevens- 2008- CA- PUMA
9- 1:11.04- Chandler Bray- 2011- IN- THT
10- 1:11.34- Anthony Robinson- 1992- PC- SCSC

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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