
Il Campione Mondiale Jr 2013 Alexander Palatov Sospeso Per Doping

Il 26enne russo Alexander Palatov è stato sospeso dall’agenzia antidoping RUSADA per violazione delle regole antidoping per due anni

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World Anti-Doping Agency Publishes 2019 Testing and Sanctions Study

WADA published its 2019 Anti-Doping Rule Violations Report which provides details on 1,912 violations, 50 of which came from aquatics.

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2013 World Junior Champion Alexander Palatov Given 2 Year Doping Suspension

Alexander Palatov, who in April finished 3rd at the Russian Olympic Trials, was given a 2 year suspension for an anti-doping rules violation.


WADA: La Lista Aggiornata Delle Le Sostanze Proibite, In Vigore Da Gennaio

WADA ha pubblicato l’elenco aggiornato delle sostanze proibite per il 2022 che entrerà in vigore a partire dal 1° gennaio 2022

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WADA’s Updated 2022 Prohibited List Comes Into Force on January 1

WADA’s updated prohibited list for 2022 takes effect starting January 1st. Updates include glucocorticoids (cortisone), salbutamol, and BPC-157.


FINA Extraordinary Congress Approves Reforms to Modernize the Federation

The FINA Extraordinary Congress approved a series of key reforms to improve the Federation’s operations and bring it into the 21st Century.


Sun Yang Under Investigation for Training at Government-Funded Facilities

Chinese swimmer Sun Yang is under investigation for training in government-funded facilities, which could cause his four-year suspension to restart.


Veronika Loginova E’ Il Nuovo Direttore Generale Di RUSADA

L’associazione antidoping russa ha selezionato un nuovo direttore generale, Veronica Loginova. WADA soddisfatta della scelta

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RUSADA Appoints Veronika Loginova as New Director General with WADA Approval

The Russian Anti-Doping Association (RUSADA) has appointed a new director general, a year after dismissing the prior permanent director.

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WADA Investigation Unveils Decade of Anti Doping Rules Violations in Ukraine

Operation Hercules uncovered evidence that the Ukrainian anti-doping authority notified athletes of pending tests, and misclassified in-competition tests as out-of-competition.


WADA Revokes Russian Lab; Suspends N. Korea, Thailand, Indonesian Doping Orgs

In what was a busy week for the global anti-doping authority, WADA has suspended and sanctioned three Asian nations’ status, including 2036 Olympic bidder Indonesia (above).

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CAS Rules Aussie Shayna Jack’s Ban Ended In July 2021

Although Aussie swimmer Shayna Jack’s 2-year ban was lifted as of July 12 of this year, she has been training under a black cloud due to a pending case.


WADA Advisory Group To Review Cannabis’ Status As A Banned Substance

The question of whether or not cannabis belongs on the banned substance list will be reviewed next year by an advisory group to the World Anti-Doping Agency.


WADA Declares Eight Anti-Doping Organizations Non-Compliant

The national agencies from Montenegro, Romania, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia and the German Community of Belgium were among those declared non-compliant.

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FINA Reveals Anti-Doping Test Numbers for Tokyo Olympics

Russia was the No. 1 most-tested country for out-of-competition drug tests leading up to the Tokyo Olympic Games, FINA said.