Michael Brinegar Gunning for 1,650 NCAA Title, Predicts ‘Around 14:10’ to Win

In the SwimSwam Podcast dive deeper into the sport you love with insider conversations about swimming. Hosted by Coleman HodgesGarrett McCaffrey, and Gold Medal Mel Stewart, SwimSwam welcomes both the biggest names in swimming that you already know, and rising stars that you need to get to know, as we break down the past, present, and future of aquatic sports.

Michael Brinegar is a 2020 Olympian in the 800/1500 free and an NCAA All-American for Indiana. He sat down with us to speak about his experience at the SC World Champs (where he ended up leaving early due to potential close contact with COVID), training with Mark Schubert in high school and college, and making his first Olympic team last summer. Brinegar looks ahead to the Big 10 and NCAA championships, where he’s shooting to be in the hunt for a title (and American record) in the 1,650.


Music: Otis McDonald


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B1G Daddy
3 years ago

I don’t think that’s Jake Mitchell’s race, but I’d chill with the talk. Charlie Clark has arrived.

3 years ago

so is he just predicting Finke’s winning time?

3 years ago

Finke will come home in a 21 high and steal the win

Reply to  Taa
3 years ago

Defin not out of the realm of possibility considering he finished a 25 lcm…

3 years ago

As a fan of IU and fast swimming in general, I hope he can come close to those times. Having someone to push Finke in the 1650 could result in one of the most exciting races at NCAAs. Brinegar needs big drops to get there though. Rooting for him and hope his great summer transfer over to NCAAs!

3 years ago

I don’t think he wins… but props to him, shoot the moon!

3 years ago

If Brinegar goes sub 14:10 and wins the mile at NCAAs, Stewie will sneak onto the deck and let Ray Looze throw his clipboard in his face.

3 years ago

If we’re going to talk about the 1650 I’m just gonna throw out the best distance crew in the nation, NC state. Ross “daddy” Dant, James plage, will Gallent, Eric knowles, and freshmen Alexander norgaard. 3/5 of these guys will beat Brinegar.

Reply to  Swammer
3 years ago

None of those guys are going near 14:10 and last year, with the exception of Dant, NCSU d crew threw up a big dud at NCAAs.

Reply to  Swammer
3 years ago

He has a faster best time than all of the guys who have done a 1650, most of them by 20 seconds. Norgaard also isn’t listed on NC State’s roster and hasn’t competed yet so I don’t know if he’ll even be competing. I could *maybe* see Dant beating him but the rest would need Brinegar to be sick or something.

3 years ago

He not winning. Mert Kilavuz the GT freshman from turkey will.

MertKilavuz fanclub president
Reply to  Mertfan69
3 years ago

The race is for second at this point. King Mert 👑!

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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