Michael and Peter Andrew Launch SwimCents Vodcast

by SwimSwam 2

February 05th, 2016 Europe, News

The pioneers and experts of the most effective swim training program in the world are pleased to announce their launch of an exciting, informative and truthful ‘VodCast’ program.

Delivered weekly by Coach P​eter Andrew and his son, World Junior Champion and countless U.S. National Age Group Record holder M​ichael Andrew, t​he explanatory and myth­busting vodcast is aimed at educating athletes, coaches and parents on the dynamics of Ultra Short Race Pace Training (USRPT), the science­-based training program that has cultivated Michael’s career into the successful pro athlete he is today.

In an effort to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the sometimes misunderstood USRPT method, the Andrew family will use the homegrown VodCast as a means to equip the swimming community with the necessary knowledge, tools and planning devices to successfully implement USRPT on their own. Each stroke’s microcycle will be reviewed in detail in order to break the methodology down into easy­to­digest components that viewers can then add to their USRPT toolboxes and incorporate into their own USRPT programs.

All things USRPT­related will be discussed on the VodCast, including Peter and Michael’s successes, failures and overall life lessons, as spoken directly from the trailblazers themselves. Nutrition essentials, as well as mental and spiritual fortitude will be covered on a weekly basis. And, from week­to­week, the Andrew duo will also incorporate topics requested by the audience.

“Our main goal with the VodCast is to give more people who are curious about our journey and USRPT direct access to us with the ultimate goal being that of building a community where coaches, parents, and swimmers can come and learn, ask questions and get connected,” says Peter.

“It has always been our goal and mission to share everything we learn and for the longest time felt that we failed in this department while we were just focusing on figuring things out for ourselves. We continue to learn and by no means have things figured out, but we know it is past time to come up with a productive way of making USRPT available to everyone,” explained Peter.

“We chose VodCasting because Michael (producer in chief) is passionate about videography/photography and will be our producer. We feel it is a perfect vehicle to build trust (give people opportunity to get to know us by basically inviting them into our home/our lives/our living room). The coolest feature will be the ability to talk technique and demonstrate concepts through underwater video footage,” continued Peter.

He further commented, “I’m excited to do this with Michael. There’s a growing demand and a curiosity about what we know is a revolutionary training method and VodCasting presents a perfect solution to bring that to the swim community.”

Michael says his family’s love of listening to and learning from various podcasts from throughout the athletic spectrum opened their eyes to that form of media as a way they could reach people with whom they seek to communicate. From his own perspective, Michael says his goal is “to explore a fun & creative way to share how we train and do life with hope to make a real difference.”

swimcents logo, swim cents (courtesy of Tina Andrew)

Swimming News is courtesy of swimcents.com and Adidas Swim.

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9 years ago

How can you call it the most effective swim training program in the world if it hasn’t produced any Olympic or World Championship medals, yet? Or world records? Perhaps it will prove to be true, but it takes away all credibility to make such an unfounded, and to be honest, arrogant statement.

lee walker
Reply to  GoldenB
8 years ago
