Melanie Margalis: The double feels very worth it now (Video)

Reported by Mitch Bowmile.


Top seed: Katie Ledecky (1:55.10)
World record: 1:52.98 – Frederica Pellegrini (Italy)
American record: 1:53.61 – Allison Schmitt
U.S Open record: 1:54.40 – Allison Schmitt
U.S Nationals record: 1:54.40 – Allison Schmitt
JR World record: 1:56.12 – Shen Duo (China)
2012 Winning Time: 1:54.40 – Allison Schmitt

After a tough week Missy Franklin has no secured an individual event for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games by finishing second behind Katie Ledecky in the 200m freestyle.

As per her strategy, Simone Manuel was out like a rocket, taking charge of the race through the first one-hundred meters in order to flip at the halfway point under world record pace. Ledecky turned second, Allison Schmitt turned third, Missy Franklin turned fourth.

Heading towards the third wall, Ledecky surged to a lead as both Franklin and Manuel flipped at the same time in second.

After the turn Ledecky was out in front, but Franklin came on strong to pass a charging Schmitt. Ledecky touched first in 1:54.88, Franklin was second in 1:56.18.

Leah Smith made a move and passed Schmitt to clock in for third in 1:56.63. Schmitt grabbed the final relay position with a 1:56.72.

Although Smith and Ledecky already made the team earlier this week, this final marks a sigh of relief for both Franklin and Schmitt who are now both officially on the team.

  1. Katie Ledecky (1:54.88)
  2. Missy Franklin (1:56.18)
  3. Leah Smith (1:56.63)
  4. Allison Schmitt (1:56.72)
  5. Cierra Runge (1:57.16)
  6. Melanie Margalis (1:57.65
  7. Simone Manuel (1:57.84)
  8. Katie McLaughlin (1:57.84)

For official results click here.


2016 Top seed: Maya DiRado (2:10.09)
World record: 2:06.12 – Katinka Hosszu
American record: 2:06.15 – Ariana Kukors
U.S Open record: 2:08.66 – Katinka Hosszu
U.S Nationals record: 2:09.34 – Julia Smit
JR World record: 2:11.03 – Viktoria Gunes
2012 Winning Time: 2:10.22 – Caitlin Leverenz

Maya DiRado added a second event to her schedule for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, rocking a swift 2:09.54 to give her the win by over half-a-second.

The real battle was for the second spot. On the final turn, Melanie Margalis turned in fifth, over a body-length behind DiRado and Leverenz who were leading the way.

Off the wall, Margalis started charging and she began to creep up on Leverenz. Leverenz didn’t budge, and the two went stroke for stroke into the wall. Margalis opted for a glide in, Leverenz took the extra stroke.

Margalis was second in 2:10.11, Leverenz was third in 2:10.16.

With the second spot going to Margalis, Leverenz will not be going to the Olympic Games.

  1. Maya DiRado (2:09.54)
  2. Melanie Margalis (2:10.11)
  3. Caitlin Leverenz (2:10.16)
  4. Madisyn Cox (2:11.24)
  5. Ella Eastin (2:11.49)
  6. Bethany Galat (2:12.82)
  7. Meghan Small (2:13.31)
  8. Emily Cameron (2:14.16)

For official results click here.

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8 years ago

HUGE Congrats to Melanie, who is a real stud with that double! I love how bubbly and cheery she has been at these Trials– not only in interviews, but before and after races.This meet has been so mentally challenging to so many gifted swimmers (thinking of Eastin and Rooney, who will be back with a vengeance in 2020), so seeing Margalis’ positivity and composure says a LOT. Wouldn’t be surprised to see her in the 2 Breast.

8 years ago

I’m happy for Margalis but bummed for Leverenz. What a tough way to go out. Faster than her winning time in 2012 but not enough for 2016. Best wishes to Melanie for an awesome Olympics!

Attila the Hunt
8 years ago
Attila the Hunt
Reply to  Attila the Hunt
8 years ago

This is another instance of Rowdy’s classic:
just 15 metres to the finish, he’s screaming “I’m not sure Margalis has enough in the tank to catch Madysin Cox.. BUBUBUBUBUBBBBB…”
menwhile Cox was clearly fading and Leverenz who was right next to Margalis getting ignored.

Whenever I’m watching a swimming race with Rowdy commentating, I sometimes ask myself if we are actually watching the same race.

Reply to  Attila the Hunt
8 years ago

Rowdy sucks at commentating seriously, he is so annoying because he makes a lot of mistakes. I know he’s only human, but you got to do the job right bud.

8 years ago

Did Leverentz need to take the extra stroke at the finish? I think if she had just rotated her shoulders away from her right hand, she may have made it. Tough to go out on an age group mistake.

Steve Nolan
Reply to  beachair
8 years ago

Nooope. Looked to me like she had it, all the underwater and slo-mo replays just make it look like a mistake, too. Real tough for her, I can’t even imagine.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
8 years ago

No, I actually think Margalis was a bit ahead– I think her glide may have been a mistake. Not sure. She had momentum.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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