Medical Emergency Ends Indiana vs Michigan Women’s Meet Early

by Madeline Folsom 24

January 10th, 2025 Big Ten, College, News

Indiana vs Michigan

The Indiana vs Michigan meet ended two events early today after a Michigan swimmer had a medical emergency during the 100 fly.

Women’s 100 Fly Results

  1. Miranda Grana (IU)- 51.73
  2. Ella Jo Piersma (MICH)- 53.49
  3. Leila Fack (MICH)- 53.80
  4. Sze Yeo (IU)- 53.85
  5. Lily Hann (IU)- 54.00

According to someone at the meet, after the women’s 100 fly event, one of Michigan’s swimmers, Natalie Kan, struggled to get out of the water, and appeared to briefly lose consciousness. This led to an ambulance being called, and the swimmer being transported to the hospital.

Michigan coaches say Kan is doing well now, but declined to comment further on the incident. Michigan swimmers were visibly shaken from what happened.

Edit: On January 11th, Head Coach Matt Bowe said “We’re happy our athlete is doing well, and she’s returning home to Ann Arbor today.”

Coaches decided to cancel the rest of the women’s meet, foregoing the 200 IM and the 400 freestyle relay. The men’s teams still swam these events.

Even with the exclusion of two events Indiana still won the women’s meet, finishing with 160 points to Michigan’s 103.

Michigan will host Ohio State for their next meet on January 18th.

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i used to be fast now im fat
2 months ago

one of the most disturbing moments of my swimming career was 10th grade high school districts i was #3 seed in the fly but i believed i could win as i beat both guys ahead of me in dual meets earlier in the season. also my girlfriend was in attendance and i had to show off. i was so zoned in on my race, i missed that the boy in the heat before me didn’t lift his head after his finish and was starting to go under. a mom (not his own! or even from his school) pulled a usain bolt, sprinted across the pool deck, jumped over the block and flipped him over while a timer helped her bring… Read more »

2 months ago

It’s amazing how swimming will just stop for this nowadays. When I was in high school this happened to my teammate. We kept going.

In middle school, I saw a volunteer hit in the back of the head with a shot put and the meet kept going after the guy was rushed to the hospital. I will never forget seeing the guy fall.

I also saw a ref hit in the face with a men’s hammer in college. That required the guy to be airlifted to the hospital because of wear the ring was.

One time a girl doing hurdles smacked her head on the track in high school and needed to be taken to the hospital. … Read more »

Reply to  Flyfreethrowrun
2 months ago

Health > sport and it always should have been.

Reply to  Flyfreethrowrun
2 months ago

Agreed with Mothman. So very sorry you didn’t have that experience.

Just Keep Swimming
Reply to  Flyfreethrowrun
2 months ago

Your experiences are your experiences and no one can change your opinion. That said what if it’s not about who had a more traumatic experience but trying to do what’s best given to the situation?

Last edited 2 months ago by Just Keep Swimming
Paul Smith
2 months ago

Something we often forget is how traumatic these kinds of events can be for the guards/staff. We recently had a masters swimmer have a heart attack during practice. Guards, coach on deck and another swimmer performed CPR and moved to AED….they brought him back thankfully and he’s recovering. The lifeguards were teens and they as well as our coach and swimmer have experienced varying degrees of PTSD ever since.

This event may not have been quite as extreme but the effects can often be far more than people realize. Glad they stopped the women’s meet. If it were my decision I’d have canceled the men’s as well, sometimes it’s ok to give everyone a break and chance to sort out… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Smith
2 months ago

CPR vs someone briefly losing consciousness is quite a different scenario. I’ve been at a swim meet where a girl had a seizure, pulled her out and got her stabilised and transported. Another year a diver had to be transported to hospital with a suspected spinal. They were both at a regional school swim/ dive meet with approx 10 high schools. At a triathlon state high schools event us athletes in the 15-16 age group started cpr on a girl before more appropriate ppl could get there and she obv got Ambo’d to hospital. All three events the meets continued and absolutely no one questioned it, there was really no big deal tbh.

At a swim meet environment part… Read more »

2 months ago

Hard to find a more caring staff than the people at U of M. Yet, no matter what, you’re always going to get people hiding behind their screens to write negative comments. How many medical emergencies do we see at swim meets—at all levels by the way—where the meet keeps going regardless? U of M made an athlete-centered decision in a moment of emergency, choosing to end the women’s meet early, even though they could have pushed through the last two races and dealt with the emergency later. If they hadn’t canceled, there’d probably be no article. But if they cancel, people have more to say and complain. It seems there’s no way to win. From the outside looking in,… Read more »

Reply to  LaneWatcher
2 months ago

The answer is I’ve seen this happen a lot.

In swimming the incident that comes to mind is when my teammate collapsed after the 500 in high school.

But that was nothing compared to what I saw as a track athlete.

I’ve seen people hit in the back of the head with a shot put (8.8 lb) and the meet goes on. I remember the body just crumbling. I’ve seen people air lifted to the hospital after a hammer (16 lb) to the face. I’ve seen hurdlers knocked out and rushed to the hospital because they tripped and hit their head on the track. I remember the screams of my teammate after he tore his Achilles.

But we… Read more »

2 months ago

A similar event happened at a meet at George Mason University 2021/2022 school year. Men’s 200 butterfly I think. Swimmer approached the wall and passed out. The cause was related to air quality. The GMU “coach” at the time ordered a milkshake and was noticeably board and uncaring while waiting for the meet to resume.

pete kennedy
2 months ago

Just a thought: Many years ago, a swimmer at Georgia vs Brenau College women’s swim meet a swimmer
what appears to be the same situation. By placing a paper bag over the swimmer’s head, breathing was restored
to normal.

Mark R. Lambert
2 months ago

Unfortunate incident. Hoping that
the young lady recovers quickly!

Handled SUPERBLY by ALL of the
IU Lifeguards, IU/UofM trainers, and,
the IU/Bloomington EMS responders!

Just wish that ‘SwimSwam’ used a
photo of the IU Bloomington pool!

2 months ago

Thanks for the update, the announcers provided no info whatsoever.