Manaudou, Lacourt, and Gilot Star in “The Hangover”-Themed Ad

Cercle des Nageurs de Marseille teammates Florent Manaudou, Camille Lacourt, and Fabien Gilot are making waves in France with their new ad for Andros, an official product supplier (fruit-based products such as juices, purées, jams, etc.) to the 2016 French Olympic and Paralympic Teams.

Based on the movie “The Hangover” (also known as “Very Bad Trip” in French), the ad begins with the three Rio-bound athletes toasting their upcoming night out with three glasses of Andros orange juice. The next thing we see is a hotel room in disarray the morning after, hinting at quite a night for Manaudou, Lacourt and Gilot. As they begin to wake up, we notice Manaudou is missing a tooth and Lacourt has new tattoos. As if that’s not enough, he has apparently gotten married and his new wife, played by French actress Camille Lellouche, is rather enthusiastic about the prospect.

Manaudou keeps repeating, “tout va bien” (“everything’s fine”), while Gilot reminds them they have a Gala to attend. He leads his teammates, clad only in swim suits, in a mad dash out of the hotel and into a waiting limousine. Waiting for them in the car are their three dates, dressed in ball gowns for the Gala. Manaudou says “tout va bien” once again, and this time it seems the evening will end differently.

The CNM athletes reportedly had a lot of fun on set. They have all shared images, as well as the finished product, on their social media accounts.

Camille Lacourt Twitter Manaudou Instagram

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8 years ago

lol @ the way the walk down the hall

8 years ago

The lads look like they are in great shape for Rio. “tout va bien”

8 years ago

I will love your guys faces when Manaudou completely destroys Nathan Adrian and Dressel in Rio. Also all the relays (except for 200) will be for France and there will be floods all over America from the poor USA fans tears. It’s gonna be fun

tru chainz
Reply to  YouKnowWho
8 years ago

Manadou is the favorite in the 50, I’ll give you that. But Australia has to be the favs in the 4×1 free and are you delusional about the medley? Lacourt is washed up, you have no breaststroker and no flyer. You won’t even medal

tru chainz
Reply to  tru chainz
8 years ago

Hell, now that I think about it who is even your freestyler? Honeydou can’t finish a 100. You have a 50 guy and three mediocre 100 freestyles, plus a washed up 100 backstroker. You’ll win two events at best.

bobo gigi
8 years ago


Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

Messr. Gigi, it’s not pathetic. You will find Camille Lacourt and friends in this situation after they have their last swim in Rio.
I’m just surprised that Messr. Lacourt is not snorting cocaine off the chest of that wedding dress girl.

Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

i agree with BOBO – totally uninteresting

Lane Four
8 years ago

Loved it! Was it aired nationally in France…..Prime Time?

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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