Getting an Inside Look into the 2021 ISL Season 3 Draft

In the SwimSwam Podcast dive deeper into the sport you love with insider conversations about swimming. Hosted by Coleman HodgesGarrett McCaffrey, and Gold Medal Mel Stewart, SwimSwam welcomes both the biggest names in swimming that you already know, and rising stars that you need to get to know, as we break down the past, present, and future of aquatic sports.

SwimSwam sat down with International Swimming League (ISL) CEO Konstantin Koudriaev and ISL Technical Director Apostolos Tsagkarakis to unpack and demystify the upcoming ISL draft. This is a historic moment in our sport, the first professional draft in swimming history. Looking ahead keep these dates on your calendar; June 22nd, 29th, and 30th.

June 22nd is Round I of the draft when ISL team coaches and general managers select the first 5 athletes from their 2020 teams.

June 29th is Round II of the draft. ISL team reps will select 10 more “protected” athletes from the ISL Veterans during a live broadcast PLUS at the end of the broadcast, each team will also select one ISL Rookie.

June 30th is Round III.  ISL will announce the results of the online fan vote from the day before (June-29)  with the addition of one swimmer per ISL team. General Managers will then select ten athletes from among ISL Veterans and Rookies from the ISL DRAFT POOL.

Follow the action on Instagram @iswimleague and on the official ISL platform


Music: Otis McDonald


Opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the interviewed guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of the hosts, SwimSwam Partners, LLC and/or SwimSwam advertising partners.

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3 years ago

I would not be shocked if it was Phelps coming out of retirement to swim one season just for publicity sake

Reply to  Horninco
3 years ago

…I think Phelps is extremely happy in retirement (though I’d love to see him swim anytime, anywhere)

Reply to  Horninco
3 years ago

I agree the odds are low, but as I said they’re trying to grow the profile of that league and it might be worth a couple million dollars to put his name on a roster for a year

Awaiting downvotes

Reply to  Horninco
3 years ago

It’s probably that Australian singer. They’d be idiots not to recruit him. He brings a built-in fan base that has nothing to do with swimming (yet) and that’s what they want, right?

Reply to  FSt
3 years ago

That’s not a bad guess. I wonder if they’ve found a team that has promised to draft him. It would look pretty bad if they made such a big deal about it and then he wasn’t drafted.

He’s certainly been going respectable times, and we don’t really know what his full capability is yet I guess, but the times he’s been going so far aren’t, on their own, good enough for a roster spot…

Reply to  Braden Keith
3 years ago

Your final sentence summed it up perfectly. The reality is that Simpson will most likely fail to make the final at AUS Trials in an event where the quality is paper thin with regards to quality.

Reply to  FSt
3 years ago

His name is Cody Simpson 😁

3 years ago

I wish Mel would have asked if they have paid all their prize money and salaries to all the athletes and are current with their bills?

Reply to  Ghost
3 years ago

….Sorry. Absolutely a fair question I should’ve asked. ISL coverage will increase as near Season 3, and that question can be addressed.

Reply to  Ghost
3 years ago

No, they haven’t.

Next question please.

Reply to  Olympian
3 years ago

Wait-this comment here says they did. Who’s saying what’s actually going on?

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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