Franz Resseguie, Former Coach of Caitlin Leverenz, Returning To Tualatin Hills as Head Coach

Braden Keith
by Braden Keith 13

December 27th, 2014 Club, News

Franz Resseguie is returning home to Tualatin Hills to take over the Beaverton, Oregon club’s head coaching role that was vacated earlier this month with the termination of Linck Bergen. Resseguie was hired as the head assistant coach at the Dynamo Swim Club’s Alpharetta site in 2013, and before that he was the Head Age Group Coach at Tualatin Hills.

Resseguie was named the ASCA Age Group Coach of the Year in Oregon for the 2011 season, and coached two National Age Group Record-setting relays.

His biggest claim to fame at the senior level is being the junior coach of future Olympian, NCAA Champion, and U.S. National Champion Caitlin Leverenz in Arizona.

Resseguie follows in the footsteps of the man he’s replacing, Bergen, in that both were former Head Age Group coaches at the club before becoming the head coach.

According to a statement by the club, Resseguie was the club’s “top coach,” and among others they consulted with Bob Steele to develop a short-list of candidates.

“The Board is confident that we have succeeded in recruiting a highly regarded, experienced coach to join our excellent coaching staff, and one who will undoubtedly take THSC to never before seen heights,” said Jay Epperson, the president of the club’s Board of Directors.

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10 years ago

I know this team and I know that Linck is an amazing coach. I’m am sad to hear this news about him being fired. He built the team, he kept it going. I believe that he should have not been fired, but that is my opinion. He has coached Olympians! He is outstanding. I was looking forward to moving up to his group. To be coached by an amazing coach. I believe that now that he is fired he has a better chance to be treated better. To be treated like the person he is.Many swimmers will follow wherever you go. Good luck coach Linck because you are and always will be the Thunderbolts.

Swim Dad 3
10 years ago

Run Franz, run…what were you thinking Franz? Tualatin Hills board will scorch you, and watch out other coaches, best to watch your back. Lose/lose situation.

10 years ago

Gramps is right… But I give it 1-2 years.

Swim Dad of 2
10 years ago

Tualatin Hills is very fortunate to get Franz back. He is an excellent coach, well liked by swimmers AND parents. This is a huge loss for Dynamo but a major win for Tualatin Hills. Congratulations Franz!

Swim dad 2.0
10 years ago

News travels in this sport. So in my mind if the rumors are true both Tualatin Hills and Dynamo are getting excellent coaches that can continue the great traditions of success each club has. Good luck to Franz in his homecoming and good luck to Rich wherever he may end up.

Swim dad 2.0
10 years ago

I’ve heard nothing but great things about Franz and Rich, of course that’s from the peanut gallery in the stands but we all know how

10 years ago

This sequence of events reeks of a board firing one coach just to bring in another. here’s the issue with that, when the new coach does something that one of the board members doesn’t like, they’re just going to try to fire him and get a new coach. I would bet money that in 10 years this team is a shell of what it used to be

Sky's the Limit
Reply to  gramps
10 years ago

Gramps is a correct code name- antiquated thinking and based on fear. Doesn’t belong in competitive swimming. In ten years, 3 Olympics… My prediction: Franz Resseguie is going to move this team forward and towards those Olympics, with the board backing him all the way. Things in life change and evolve when they need to- this is how they keep moving forward and becoming better. T Hills has been solid, but stagnant for a while now. The shift is going to bring a clearly needed and wanted new mix based on talent and expertise into play here. The possibilities exist only in the limits of thinking of those players involved. Because the skill is present in the coaching and the… Read more »

Reply to  Sky's the Limit
10 years ago

This post sounds defensive and desperate. These novice parents haven’t learned that it won’t matter which coach they put in…leadership skills is the key. Not sure if their new coach has these skills as a head coach. Since when is it a plus as a head coached to be “well like by a few swimmers and parents”? Majority would take respected over “well liked”. Why didn’t these parents just give privates for their swimmers? They’re putting huge expectations and high hopes on one guy. DESPERATE marketing going on here. A whole lotta talkin going on and their fear is showing loud and clear.
Nothing against they guy however they act as if he’s the Savior…seriously?

10 years ago

This club and board could not have made a better selection for head coach. Resseguie’s reputation and skill are excellent! Will be exciting to see the progress of the swimmers under this very solid and innovative coach.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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