Brazilian Federation Sets Election For June 9, Elects Athlete Reps

The CBDA, Brazil’s national governing body for swimming and aquatic sports, has announced its electoral timeline, which will lead up to a June 9 General Elective Assembly to determine the future leadership of the federation.

It’s been a year of turmoil for the Brazilian federation, starting with last fall’s allegations of financial fraud against former CBDA president Coaracy Nunes and several other high-ranking officials. Nunes originally denied the allegations, claiming they were part of a concerted effort to hurt his chances for reelection this summer. But an investigation into the allegations eventually led to Nunes’ arrest by the Brazilian Federal Police in April, and the subsequent indictment of Nunes and three others on counts of fraud and embezzlement.

In the meantime, the CBDA’s General Assembly this spring was canceled after some drama over the federation’s Athletes Commission. The federation appointed now-retired swimmer Thiago Pereira to the role of President of the Athletes Commission, but was criticized for not holding a vote for the position. That role took on extra significance, as the President of the Athletes Commission will get one vote to represent the Athletes Commission in the election to determine the new CBDA president.

In the ensuing conflict, a judge ordered the CBDA to annul its current athletes commission and allow athletes to vote on new representatives. That mandate forced the federation to cancel its general assembly in order to hold elections for the Athletes Commission before holding the general assembly to elect a new president.

Now, reports that athletes have elected five representatives to the Athletes Commission. Pereira is not one of them; the swimming seat went instead to Leonardo de Deus.

Athletes Commission Representatives:

  • Open Water: Carlos Henrique Rosa
  • Synchro: Jessica Goncalves
  • Swimming: Leonardo de Deus
  • Water Polo: Ruda Franco
  • Diving: Tammy Takagi

In addition, the CBDA has released its timetable for electing its new president. According to the timetable published on the CBDA website, most of May will make up the presentation of the candidates, with a short process into early June analyzing any challenges to a candidate’s application.

The General Elective Assembly will meet on June 9 in Rio de Janeiro to vote on the CBDA’s new leadership.

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Douglas Klein
7 years ago

I notice Thiago Pereira’s name for position of President. WE remember that Thiago pledged to go for the 2020 Olympics only to suddenly retire. Why did he really retire? Why did the Swim Club shun him ? Was it his performance in the last race or his association with Lochte? Thoughts?

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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