Austin, Atlanta to Host New Winter Junior East/West Championships

Austin, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia will host the 2015 Winter Junior Nationals – East, and Winter Junior Nationals – West championship meets in December.

The meet locations and dates have been posted on the USA Swimming website, and they will be run concurrently from December 9th-12th.

The “East” meet is going to be in Atlanta, Georgia (presumably at the Georgia Tech Aquatic Center), while the “West” meet is going to be held in Austin, Texas (presumably at the Texas Swim Center).

This will be the first year where USA Swimming has hosted a split Winter Junior National Championships. This was the solution prescribed by USA Swimming for the problem of meets that were growing too large to be hosted in any one location, but with qualifying standards that were getting too close to those required for the Winter Senior National Championships.

Federal Way, Washington is scheduled to host the senior Winter National Championships.

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9 years ago

Does anyone know why they don’t have any more meet information posted? We heard possibly the meet split will not be based on region, but instead one will be LCM and the other SCY. We’d like to get some plans made, but have no idea what to do…

9 years ago

Any idea yet which states will be “East” and which will be “West”?

Reply to  Braden Keith
9 years ago

Got that, but which states are idesignated as in the “East” and which are in the “West”? In particular, is Michigan in the “East”?

10 years ago

Technically it is not the first time. It was one when started in 70’s then split in East-west and even to 3. Then some of the “top authorities” said it wasn’t serving purpose such as Schubert, Persley ,Wood ,Quick and Sterkle at convention. Then it comes back later. It is still at the wrong time of year. SC should be in early April. That is why NCSA and now Clearwater are filling the gap there.

Reply to  CoachGB
10 years ago

Will the meet be a long course or short course venue?

Reply to  ECB
10 years ago

It should be short course, but coming up on an Olympic year in 2016 it may be long course

Atl, Ga swimmer
10 years ago

I don’t have to travel at all now it’s 30 min from my house! #blessed

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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