Ashley Twichell came on strong at her 1st USA Swimming nationals in 2011 (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Ashley Twichell race ready (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Follow the leader – Twichell won both 10K and 5K titles in 2012 (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Ashley Twichell (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

blow out – Twichell with huge win at 2012 nationals (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

Twichell takes gold in the 10K at the 2012 nationals (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

winning the 5K at the 2012 nationals (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)

getting ready (photo: Mike Lewis, Ola Vista Photography)
You can follow Ashley Twichell on Twitter here.
See the full report on Ashley Twichell’s 2013 World University Games 10k win here.
Many thanks to swimswam contributor Mike Lewis of Ola Vista Photography for capturing these open water swimming photos.
you all are a bunch of crazy people. Who cares who is prettier. (obv. Chloe) but seriously they are supposed to be best friends and anyone who writes about this is ridiculous. It is tough enough to be a world class athlete without losers like you making these statements. Chloe is awesome, Ashley is awesome. now shut up
S Gomez, maybe your intentions are good, or maybe not, as you comments come off as judgmental and backhanded compliments. Whether you tend to think Sutton is more attractive than Twichell is irrelevant and an unnecessary comment. Whether you think that female swimmers are self-conscious of their size is also your own opinion, judgmental, and largely inaccurate. I agree that Twichell is beautiful, intelligent, and talented and a great role model for a younger swimmer, if that’s your point. But no other judgements are needed.
oh I forgot to add the main point of this post. Ashley is actually really pretty, but its easy to loose that when u always see her with chloe Sutton. Ashley is also intelligent and purportedly a great student, as is the swimmer I coached. her dad was concerned that due to the volume of training necessary to be a top notch openwater/distance swimmer, his daughter would be unable to pursue her academic goals at the same intensity as was in early high school. i think a lot of female swimmers are self conscious about their size relative to their peers and even in regards to other athletes, but it seems like that has never affected ashley
I used to coach a small ymca team where one of our swimmers was a very successful age group open water swimmer, one mentioned occasionally on this site.. I tend to be very friendly, maybe over the top, I spend a lot of my time talking with coaches officials and parents at swim meets. anyway, her dad is much like me, and somehow at 2012 open water nationals he met ahsley, said she was very nice and was willing to talk to him for a long time, far longer than his daughter cared for. congratulations!