Why Ohio State Starts Their College Season with 5 Swims and 4 Lifts per Week

The Ohio State women are entering the season as the 4x defending Big Ten champions. But speaking with head coach Bill Dorenkott, there is a lot more to focus on than just conference this season. With the ultimate goal of performing at international long course meets, there will be buckeyes competing at the Pan American Games in October as well as the World Championships in February (2024), not to mention the US Olympic Trials in June.

Dorenkott breaks down his team’s mentality heading into the college season, not wanting to overdo training in September to keep their athletes engaged and excited through February, March, and the long course season. For this reason, Dorenkott has his team swim 5 times and lift 4 times during the month of September, easing their bodies and minds back into training.

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Real talk
10 months ago

This is why the only perform at Big Tens and nowhere else

Old CAA fan
10 months ago

That’s great. This is pure out of curiosity (I’ve been out of college for a while).

Does this mean OSU would go straight to 20 hours/week training?

10 months ago

Ohio State diving and swimming should be swimming 12 times a week if they wanna avoid another inevitable NCAA collapse

Steve Nolan
Reply to  Coleman Hodges
10 months ago

So you’re telling me they should lift 10 times and swim negative one.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
10 months ago

Swimming is overrated.

Reply to  Braden Keith
10 months ago

I don’t

Reply to  Braden Keith
10 months ago

That was meant to say – I don’t know who you are, but you’re not the real Pineapple!

Reply to  Pineapple
10 months ago

I’ve been Pineapple for 9 years! Please adhere to the Swimswam guidelines and do not steal anyone’s identity within a single comment thread

Reply to  Pineapple
10 months ago

Wow, I’ve been Pineapple for a couple years and have never come across someone using the same name. I’ll take you at your word and find something else to use going forward.

Mr. Saucy Pants
10 months ago

I’m a huge fan of lifting more and swimming less. Ok, maybe not for distance swimmers, but definitely sprinters.

10 months ago

So you’re focused on the kids swimming at International meets so you can get them ready…got it coach. Your
AD is on board with that? Parents of kids not swimming at International meets are on board with that? I hate when coaches put their focus on a couple of kids and ignore the rest…

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Dorenkott breaks down his team’s mentality heading into the college season, not wanting to overdue training in September to keep their athletes engaged and excited through February, March, and the long course season.”

Guess you missed that part

Reply to  Odin
10 months ago

Should be “overdo,” we’re not talking about the overdue library book. Sorry, not sorry.

Reply to  Odin
10 months ago

Listen to the entire interview that was posted, and then please come back and comment.

Reply to  Coleman Hodges
10 months ago

prioritizing LCM/international meets is probably a main part of the pitch. they want kids who have goals of making those meets

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

I hope this pans out well. When February-March-April roll around and the rest of the country is experiencing mental and physical fatigue, I hope OSU is swimming well and fresh and you regret this negativity.

I don’t know it you’re speaking from first-hand experience, but I imagine most of OSU’s program trained through the summer. It’s not like we’re talking about a mid-major program where a number of athletes took the summer to rest. They’ve got yards under their belt, and they’re taking 4 weeks to rest without losing too much aerobic ability. Sounds smart to me.

Cbus parent
Reply to  RealSlimThomas
10 months ago

They were doing 9 + 3 most of the summer, only people not there were at Int’l meets/training.

Reply to  RealSlimThomas
10 months ago

Should carry this schedule through October.

Reply to  RealSlimThomas
10 months ago

I don’t think too many mid-major swimmers take the summer to rest…

Reply to  swimgeek
10 months ago

Not sure which teams you’re looking at in that case…

Reply to  swimgeek
10 months ago

i swam mid-major and I don’t think anyone on my team kept training up through the summer. by september the most-prepared people had been doing like 3 workouts a week with their club team.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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