LEN Launches New Integrity Reporting Hotline

The Ligue Européenne de Natation (LEN), which serves as the European governing body for aquatic sport, recently released its first update on the ‘First 100 Days Strategic Action Plan’ under new president Antonio Silva.

Now another initiative has been put forth, with the LEN launching an Integrity Reporting Hotline.

LEN has established an integrity partnership with external sports ethics, integrity, and governance experts Quest Global Ltd.

‘Any ethical wrongdoing in the context of European Aquatics, as it pertains to suspected breaches of relevant LEN policies and regulations, can be reported in any language for independent assessment and analysis by our external experts, as well as a response within 48 hours of reporting.

‘Confidentiality is guaranteed by Quest Global Ltd.’, reads the LEN‘s release.

Silva said of this new hotline,  “As integrity and good governance are key pillars of the new LEN Bureau strategic plan., I’m delighted to welcome this new initiative which, like the recent agreement with SIGA, shows that European Aquatics is determined to have independent oversight on key areas of activity. Our stakeholders, and especially our athletes, now have the possibility to raise any concerns about Integrity in a timely and confidential way.”

The LEN and its affiliations operate under several sets of rules, including Constitutional, Congressional, Financial, General Events, Codes of Conduct and Guidelines for Safety & Security.

Integrity Reporting Hotline: https://integrityunit.com/europeanaquatics
Integrity Reporting Phone: +44 20 7034 3405
Integrity Reporting Email: [email protected]

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Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having just earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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