Celebrity Big Brother Season 2: Episode 5 Live Recap

by Spencer Penland 2

January 27th, 2019 News


  • January 21 – February 13, 2019
  • Channel: CBS
  • Start Time: 8 PM ET (Sunday, January 27th will be at 10)
  • Primer / Full Cast

Last episode, it was revealed that Former Trump White House Advisor Anthony Scaramucci was not actually a contestant on the show, and was rather serving as a subject for a challenge. After much deliberation, and a fairly dramatic vote, Jonathan Bennett was evicted from the Big Brother House, leaving Ryan Lochte without what was likely his closest ally. In a bit of better news for the 12-time Olympic medalist, Lochte and fellow Olympian Lolo Jones appear to be mending their relationship, after it had become rocky during the first few episodes.


  • “Now the game starts!”, Lochte is really gtting into the spirit of the game.
  • Lochte is now betting on Joey winning Head of Household this week, because he feels Joey is his only chance to reamin safe again this week.
  • Ryan is now dressed as a rock star, switching careers maybe???
  • Lochte gets to run the challenge this week, because he can’t become the HoH again this week
  • “This competition would have been perfect for me. I love heavy medals
  • Lolo drops out of the challenge. Joey, who is Ryan’s best bet to remain safe, is still in
  • Kato wins the HoH, and having made deals to protect multiple people, it appears Lochte may be in serious danger of being put on the block this week
  • Lochte: “I could be going from I wanna rock, to I’m on the block”
  • “I am 90% sure I’m going on the block”
  • Kato: “Ryan makes an interesting offer, but he is the biggest threat in this house. If I can take him out here, I might do it”
  • Time for nomination…
  • Kato nominated Tamar first
  • Kato’s second nomination was Dina, Ryan Lochte is safe for right now!
  • Kato hints that Lochte will be nominated if someone else has to go on the block

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Cheatin Vlad
6 years ago

Dang, they are going to backdoor Ryan so he has to win the POV.

Woke Stasi
6 years ago

Today (January 27th) is US Olympic Head Swimming Coach Greg Meehan’s 43rd birthday! Many happy returns.

You know who else has their birthday today? That’s right: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (b. 1756).

We know Greg is pulling for Lochte. And if Mozart were alive today, he’d be cheering for Ryan too!