California Bans University Travel To 8 States, Including Texas

Sport and politics may be intersecting in a new way in 2017, as the state of California has banned state employees (a banner that would include state-funded University athletic coaches) from using tax money to travel to states with laws considered discriminatory. The list of states currently stands at 8 and includes Texas, the largest of the contiguous United States.

The Mercury News reports that a California law that took effect in January 2017 creates travel bans to states with laws California deems “discriminatory in regards to LGBT issues.” That ban list originally included Kansas, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee. But this week, California’s attorney general announced that four more states would join the list: Alabama, Kentucky, South Dakota and Texas.

Most of the states found themselves added to the list for passing laws regarding faith-based adoption agencies that won’t place children with same-sex families.

The Texas Tribune reports that the travel ban applies to “California state agencies, universities and commissions,” preventing those state institutions from using tax dollars to send their employees to states on the banned list.

In theory, that could prevent a hypothetical dual meet matchup in the growing Cal-Texas rivalry on the men’s side, or could keep California state schools from attending the Art Adamson Invite at Texas A&M or the Arena Pro Swim Series in Austin.

On the other hand, it’s not entirely clear how the travel ban will function with regard to universities or their athletic programs. The ban speaks specifically to using tax dollars to fund trips, so schools could perhaps self-fund, or it could be determined that athletic departments are technically using their own revenue to fund trips to banned states, or using other sources like donations or student fees.

But the situation will be one to keep an eye on moving forward, especially if the list grows, or if any major events take place in states on the banned list. Here’s a list of the upcoming NCAA meets being held in one of the eight currently banned states:

  • 2019 Women’s NCAA Championships: Austin, Texas
  • 2019 Men’s NCAA Championships: Austin, Texas
  • 2021 Women’s NCAA Championships: Greensboro, North Carolina

The ban would also affect various conference championships, invites and dual meets.

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5 years ago

I sure hope these states return the favor and ban travel to California and I’m in California. There are problems here that need to be addressed. Funny, and not funny, politicians and their legal teams sure like spending our money to keep the legal teams employed. Its no wonder lawyers are looked on as scabs, or worse, democrats ( lower case intentional) Oh, with a multi billion surplus why are politicians looking to Washington for federal funds to aid the homeless. Where is the $$ going Gavin??? What are the priorities?? Hope Vets are # 1 and not law breakers coming here illegally rather than applying as those who are wating with legal paperwork

ct swim fan
7 years ago

In reading the comments here, it would be fun to transport some of these people back to the 50s and 60s and see their reactions to the Civil Rights Movement. If something is wrong, it’s wrong whether you’re white, black, Republican, Democrat or independent. Until people and governments take a stand and say enough is enough, the intolerant bigots will continue to spout their hate and deny people basic rights. No one wants special treatment, just equal treatment without being made to feel inferior.

7 years ago

It is OK coaches and athletes will go where they want this is America! Don’t worry people. I do think same sex marriage people should not be adopting little kids though. Those kids turn out weird and confused. They also get picked on in school and rarely get to play with other normal children. Even if they do get to interact with normal kids they usually get picked last for pick-up baseball to football games. Sad.

E Gamble
Reply to  Dawgpaddle
7 years ago

Wow? Normal kids??

Reply to  E Gamble
7 years ago

Yes normal is not perfect. Normal is a social norm. The social norm for a family is Man and Woman married with or without children. Sad that America is quickly going the route of other Nations which by their own denigration are weakened or not in existence. California being a bastion of liberal lawmaking is leading us to the moral bankruptcy. I believe California is fiscally bankrupt as well. If we have to Texas will succeed from the Union…we can make it on our own.

Canadian Fan
7 years ago

Wow–We didn’t understand where the Trump vote came from. Now we see from whence it came. “so sad” as your buddy would say!

Reply to  Canadian Fan
7 years ago

Canadian Fan: the votes for Trump came mainly from folks who believe in personal responsibility, folks who do not feel that if the government took over everything all problems would be solved. I voted for Trump despite many reservations, but mainly for the reason that I do not believe ‘redistributing wealth’ to support social programs is the right way to go. There are folks out there who truly need help but there are even more of those who abuse the system. My wife’s post graduate degree was obtained while working full time and raising three kids with not a penny from government. I graduated with computer science degree while paying 2.5 x tuition fees before I received my green card.… Read more »

E Gamble
Reply to  Canadian Fan
7 years ago

In the meantime….Justin Trudeau and his wife and kids are marching in the Toronto Pridefest today. ?

E Gamble
Reply to  Canadian Fan
7 years ago

Hopefully America will be as tolerant as Canada one day. ?

Reply to  Canadian Fan
7 years ago

Russians again .

7 years ago

This reminds me of boycotting the 1980 Olympic Games. Just stupid. Sports and politics should never meet. (No matter your political position-)

Reply to  Swimmom21
7 years ago

The meeting of “sports and policitcs” is why athletes of different races are now allowed to play sports together.

Reply to  Swamfan
7 years ago

Swimmom21 knows that and wished they stayed seperate

7 years ago

If my parents told me, “you can go out, just not with my car or my money” – I wouldn’t feel banned from leaving. I think y’all are getting overly worked up about this. As if the swimming community doesn’t have enough cash on hand to send coaches and trainers to a meet without using tax dollars.

7 years ago

I hoping that all of the very vocal and aggressive modern politics wouldn’t find its way into the pool. Guess I was wrong.

Reply to  Upset
7 years ago

This isn’t really about politics. It’s about civil rights.

Reply to  Swamfan
7 years ago

Does these extend to mothers relinquishing babies thru a private agency & directing to whom it starts their life with . ( 1st 7 years & all that ) .

If it was myself & I were a pregnant teenager in this position I would stipulate that the baby went to a swimming family . I don’t know any gay swimming families but I would consider if they had shown swim success with other kids .

Priorities Swim Fan . PRIORITIES .

Reply to  G.I.N.A
7 years ago

Ian Thorpe

Reply to  Uberfan
7 years ago

Ian might be ok but I ‘d have to look at the partner . The last one looked like he was a night club bunny although he would be able to take kid to practice when he gets home from dancing at 4.30 am .

I want a DULL couple who will look after my child to the MAX because I am the one who wants to live a life – gheez that is why I am giving it up . If it becomes famous I shall reclaim it .

ct swim fan
7 years ago

Good, it’s about time that individuals or groups of people started to take a stand against the powers that be in this country that continue to marginalize people for no reason other than their bigoted, narrow, outdated views. Maybe these people will get the message that business as usual is no longer acceptable.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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