Laurel Highlands Coach Laurel Highlands Added to USA Swimming’s Banned List

Laurel Highlands, the former coach of the swim team at the YMCA of Laurel Highlands in Pennsylvania, has been added to USA Swimming’s public list of Individuals Permanently Suspended or Ineligible.

Editor’s note: the coach’s name is Laurel Highlands, and she was the coach of the YMCA of Laurel Highlands, which is the name of a region in southwestern Pennsylvania.

Highlands has been the coach of the YMCA of Laurel Highlands for more than 25 years, and prior to that swam as a member of the team.

Highlands is facing no criminal charges, but has been banned under several sections of the Code of Conduct for violations of Athlete Protection Policies, including:

305.3.4 Violation of any of the Athlete Protection Policies set forth in Article 305

304.3.18 Any other material and intentional act, conduct or omission not provided for above, which is detrimental to the image or reputation of USA Swimming, a LSC or the sport of swimming.

305.1 Inappropriate touching between an athlete and an adult non-athlete member or Participating Non-Member (as defined in 401.1) is prohibited, including, but not limited to, excessive touching, hugging, kissing, sexually oriented behavior, sexually stimulating or otherwise inappropriate games, and having an athlete sit on a non-family member adult’s lap.

305.2: Any rubdown or massage performed on an athlete by any adult member or Participating Non-Member (as defined by 401.1), excluding the spouse, parent, guardian, sibling, or personal assistant of such athlete, is prohibited unless such adult is a licensed massage therapist or other certified professional. Any rubdown or massage performed at a swim venue by a licensed professional must be conducted in open/public locations and must never be done with only the athlete and licensed massage therapist in the room. Even if a coach is a licensed massage therapist, the coach shall not perform a rubdown or massage of an athlete under any circumstances.

305.7 Clubs shall establish their own electronic communication/social media policy. USA Swimming
shall provide a model policy as an example, which shall serve as the default for any club that fails to establish its own policy. Club electronic communication policies should be reviewed and agreed to annually by all athletes, parents, coaches and other non-athlete members of the club.
Highlands did not immediately respond to a request for comment on her permanent suspension.

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Grew up in the WPYSL
8 years ago

This is sad. I don’t know Laurel Highlands beyond her amazingly-coincidental name, but that team has been, pretty consistently, one of the top-tier YMCA teams in western PA for decades. Maybe that’s small praise, and maybe it’s because she recruited other swimmers (which seems rude, but on the other hand, how is it really unethical? and is it unique to her?), but I just think it’s sad to see the team drop off the map, just like that, after so many years.

For those in the know, is there any chance of the team coming back, or has it permanently disappeared from swimming with her?

Just to answer the question
Reply to  Grew up in the WPYSL
8 years ago

The YMCA the team was associated with decided to part ways with the team itself. Many attempts were made by Laurel to associate herself and the team with other YMCA’s in the area…which included questionable help and accommodations by the WPYSL to try to make this happen. In the end, no YMCA would take on the risk.

8 years ago

Over 3000 texts from an ADULT in a supervisory role to a CHILD in ONE MONTH?! That is beyond inappropriate, it’s predatory! On what planet is it appropriate to shame a mother for protecting her child from this PROVEN inappropriate communication coupled with MULTIPLE reports of innappropriate touching? What is wrong with you people? That “non-Christian” comment was incredible! I wonder if “super Christian” even realizes that she just shamed a victim and further perpetuated a devastating culture of victim bashing – very god-like. Ha! She probably thinks that Bill Cosby is innocent too!! PARENTINTHEKNOW is almost as disgusting as thid predatory coach! You read her nasty “Christian” comments and wonder why children are petrified to come forward in their… Read more »

impartial observer
9 years ago

As a parent of swimmers on another WPYSL team, I was solicited or “recruited” to move them to Laurel’s team. This was followed up by calls & texts from parents on Laurel’s team. There were suggestions of ways to make the transition easier (e.g. parents who could share carpooling, etc.) in addition to how my children could benefit themselves, as well as LH’s team (ie. relay positions.) My kids were flattered & we did consider the proposition. My family left our team & the WPYSL to join a USAS team that was a great fit for us, so there is no rivalry, jealousy or animosity.
Further, I must say that I am very saddened by this news, both for… Read more »

Heart is breaking
9 years ago

Laurel is an amazing coach, mentor, person and friend. There is NO way that she did anything like this. I know her intentions were pure regardless of what others think. I spent many times with her as a swimmer and she went out of her way to help tutor me in math. All she wants is to see her swimmers succeed in every aspect of their life. I give a huge credit to Laurel for the person I am today. She taught me that hard word and dedication will get me to succeed not only in swimming but in life. My heart is breaking for her. I know she is devistated, I am. I have not seen or talked to… Read more »

Parent of a past swimmer
9 years ago

Both of my daughter’s were swimmers under Laurel Highlands and her parents who were also coaches there. They were there for 4 years and I never saw anything inappropriate! All that I know is she liked to win! My girls are devastated by this as she was a true mentor to both of them and their friend! This is pure b.s.! I stand with and beside Laurel!

WPYSL Parent
9 years ago

We in WPYSL have grown used to her huge sense of entitlement. I say it’s about time she was held accountable. It is interesting to me how some continue defend a coach who has obviously shown very poor judgement. Laurel Highlands and her attitude toward following rules has created numerous questionable situations both on and off the deck that should have been addressed years ago. This is just the latest. We are warned about people who exercise the need to control a child in the name of “helping”. There are agencies that could have been contacted if Laurel wanted to support this boy and still be in compliance with proper coaching behavior. If she were a public school teacher, would… Read more »

9 years ago

I have been a coach with the WPYSL for many years and I too seen the inappropriate behavior at swim meets from L.H.. I also know, along with many other coaches in that league, L.H. did a lot of soliciting of swimmers within that league. I wouldn’t so much brag about accomplishments when the swimmers that where solicited where already very seasoned and nationally ranked swimmers in most cases. I remember the ugly years when no one wanted to swim for her. There definitely was a transformation in the coaching approach and how to get swimmers. The previous comment on drinking the Kool-Aid isn’t far from the truth, cause there had to be some kind of cult or brainwashing. Even… Read more »

Green-Eyed Monster
Reply to  SwimCoach
9 years ago

Laurel never solicited swimmers, they left their previous teams because they watched the powerhouse team that was L.H. and wanted to be part of it. I think a lot of teams couldn’t stand her success and were so jealous that now they are celebrating what has happened. Sick, Sick, Sick. You are going to seriously give criticism to CHILDREN that make comments that they will always be Gators at heart? Really? What about the parents, coaches, and swimmers that resisted any L.H. swimmer joining their team because they were scared they ( or their child in case of parents) would lose their relay spot…you want these swimmers to be loyal to that? Give me a break, cover up Swim Coach..your… Read more »

Reply to  Green-Eyed Monster
9 years ago

As a coach in the same league as Laurel Highlands . Yes Laurel did solicited swimmers from other teams and had her older swimmers and parents do the same! A lot of my swimmers and parents did complain to the league about it nothing was done . They had a team made up of other teams swimmers. Only a few swimmers on LH was original swimmers. Swim Coach is speaking the truth, My team along with others went through it.No One is jealous on what happen that is sick, sick of you even saying something like that. Laurel got caught and I have witnessed some stuff at meets when my team use to swim against theirs and it’s true. And… Read more »

Green-Eyed Monster
Reply to  coach-coach
9 years ago

I absolutely stand by what I said. Laurel did not solicit swimmers. They came on their own to join a successful team, and it has made people green with envy.. end of story. And as far as celebrating, it’s a fact that some people are giddy with joy that Laurel has been banned and you can’t deny it.

9 years ago

Heidi was also a paid employee of Laurel’s. Enough said. Sandusky’s employees saw nothing also.

Reply to  Anotherkoolaidfan
9 years ago

Heidi knew laurel for 11 years prior to her 2 years coaching wth Laurel. She was a great friend and family with Laurel. I don’t think that just because she coached changed anything. Going on and on with these comments is truly just sad. Commenting on this article does not change anything, and half of these people aren’t even on the team anymore and do not know everything. The people still on the team don’t know everything. So why doesn’t everyone just mind their own business?

Reply to  Anotherkoolaidfan
9 years ago

I was not paid under Laurel thanks. Maybe you should know the facts before you start talking. How do you know I didn’t volunteer my time? Also it’s so easy to run your mouth about opinions and not state your name. If your going to make comments and opinions have the courage to state who you are.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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