8 Things to Remind Yourself When You Hit Your Midseason Slump

We all get to that point in the season- it’s been going on for months already, the holidays have come and gone, and staring at a black line is starting to get old. The initial excitement for the season has worn off and you feel like you just need a break already. Here’s 8 things to tell yourself when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts during practice:

  1. My team is here with me.
    Your teammates are right there beside you doing the exact same practice. You’re not the only one who has to do the set on the board.
  2. This will pay off.
    Every yard you swim will make you a better swimmer, especially when you push yourself to get through practices you don’t feel like being at.
  3. Hard work builds character.
    It takes a strong person to be an athlete. It takes an even stronger person to choose one of the hardest sports (if not the hardest) and train it day after day.
  4. I’m not only training for myself, but also for my team.
    Remember that you are part of something bigger than yourself. Because swimming doesn’t always seem like much of a team sport, it’s easy to overlook the bigger picture.
  5. I will be glad I did this once it’s over.
    Once you get home from practice, it won’t matter how hard the main set was. In fact, you’ll most likely feel more accomplished since you pushed yourself through something you didn’t want to do.
  6. A negative attitude will only make me feel worse.
    Yes, you’re annoyed now, but the longer you dwell on the fact that you’re upset, the more upset you’ll be.
  7. It does end.
    Some practices, especially ones with a ton of yardage, can feel like they’re going on forever. But, remember, just like every other practice you’ve ever swam, the two hours will be up before you know it.
  8. I’m here for a reason.
    You spend hour after hour, day after day in the pool voluntarily. Not because you’re forced to, or because swimming is what you’re “good at”. Whether or not you think so, you’re the type of person that welcomes and can handle a challenge. Don’t let one hard set change that.

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About Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo

Bryana Cielo Shortly after Bryana Cielo’s birth, she developed her love of water at her family beach house–and hasn’t stopped since. At the conclusion of her swim lessons at age 7, it was recommended that she try out for the local summer swim team. After her first season, she won the …

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