World Champion Daiya Seto Becomes Daddy To Daughter #2

by Retta Race 16

April 20th, 2020 Asia, International, Lifestyle, News

25-year-old Japanese world champion Daiya Seto has announced via Instagram that his second daughter has been born. The new baby entered the world in March, but the fly and IM dynamo made the announcement just today, April 20th.

“Both mother and child are healthy and healthy,” reads Seto’s post.

“The coronavirus hasn’t stopped and the days of anxiety continue,” he notes. “But let’s all work together and endure.”

Seto married Yuka Mabuchi in 2017 after the ANA swimmer took Olympic bronze in the men’s 400m IM in Rio. The couple’s first daughter, Yuwa, was born in June 2018. 

Fueled by so-called dad strength, Seto went on to break the SCM 200 butterfly and 400 IM events and snagged double gold at the 2019 World Championships in the IM events. Those podium-topping performances qualified the superstar for the 2020 Olympic Games, despite the Games’ postponement.

Seto took a while to come to terms with his upward trajectory’s detour. On April 10th we reported Seto’s sentiments of, “There was no way I could bring myself to talk about next year and honestly, I’m still struggling to pick up the pieces and regroup. Because of the coronavirus, I’m not training at all these days.

“Whether it’s next year or the year after that, I’m going to stay strong and build it back up slowly but surely in trying to win a gold medal, no matter what. It’s time for me to start again!” Seto said.

“The Olympics, to me, is the absolute dream and on par with nothing else. All the experiences, feelings I have had I owe to the Olympics.”

Of note, another Olympian and world champion, Great Britain’s Adam Peaty, announced this week he is set to become a father this September.

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Texas Tap Water
4 years ago

Congrats to Daddy Daiya!

2 children! Olympic gold for each!

4 years ago

Good for him that he manned up and married the mother of the two chillin. A class act who follows Japanese traditions.

Reply to  Ladyvoldisser
4 years ago

Just to clarify (because your comment makes it seem like he got her pregnant and then married her to save face), he married her over a year before the first kid was born.

Casas 100 back gold in Tokyo
Reply to  sven
4 years ago

You are right. Seto got married in May 2017. His first daughter was born in June 2018. At the time of his marriage, his wife was still competing as a diver. She participated in the Summer Universiade held in August 2017, which was her last competition before retirement.

Reply to  sven
4 years ago

I know that – Dude

Reply to  Ladyvoldisser
4 years ago

As I read your first comment, I got the impression that he had gotten her pregnant and then married her because of Japanese traditions, which I then looked up and learned that that wasn’t the case. Since it’s an important distinction and not everyone takes the time to look things up like I did, I decided to put it out there so that people were aware.

Casas 100 back gold in Tokyo
Reply to  Ladyvoldisser
4 years ago

Pregnancy before marriage is still highly unacceptable in Japan nowadays. Hagino was bashed hard for getting married months latter than his wife’s pregnancy.

Reply to  Casas 100 back gold in Tokyo
4 years ago

Japan has always been seen as the most high tech modern country in the world but traditional.

Coach Mike 1952
Reply to  Ladyvoldisser
4 years ago

What is the source of your ill-advised comment please? Daya & Yuka married in May 2017 (very honorable) & their daughter was born 11 months later, also very honorable. Unless the baby was two months late, the math regarding your comment simply doesn’t add up. There is no issue of “manning up” here & thus no need to throw shade on a respected swimmer. Congratulations to the proud parents of these beautiful children.

Reply to  Coach Mike 1952
4 years ago

Ill-advised comment? I know they were married before they had children. Do uotknow what is about your rant?

Mediocre Swammer
Reply to  Ladyvoldisser
4 years ago

You said he “manned up and married the mother of his children.” He didn’t. That would mean that at least one child was born, and THEN he got married. What happened was “he married the woman he loved, and then they had kids.” It’s both judgey (why does it matter to you or anyone else whether they’re married or not?) and incorrect.

Reply to  Coach Mike 1952
4 years ago

U da man Coach Mike!

4 years ago

Is there a new trend for swimmers I don’t know about?

Reply to  Khachaturian
4 years ago

I mean they are quarantined with their family 😉

Reply to  Khachaturian
4 years ago

My guess is that as the average age of elite swimmers goes up (and as swimming becomes a more financially viable sport), they’re more likely to feel ready to become parents.

Reply to  sven
4 years ago

man kids are tough though, how these guys are able to train hard while staying up all night with a crying baby amazes me, much much respect!!

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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