The Winners
US Olympic Swimming Team
The Event
Viral Videos
The Backstory
Once you’ve endured the most stressful competition of your life (for many, Olympic Swimming Trials), the nerves die down a bit, but they do remain. What do you do about that? You do what all national team members do since national teams have been crisscrossing the world respresenting their respected countries, you goof off, laugh and joke…and do anything you can except think about the competition ahead.

Missy Franklin and National Team Director, Frank Busch, dancing at the 2012 US Olympic Training Camp
The Moment
In 2012 the US Olympic Swimming Team set the Olympic training camp tone early on. Stacked with veterans — true professionals like Michael Phelps and Natalie Coughlin who know how to relax and focus their energy when it counts — Team USA relaxed and bonded as no other national team has in history. To the outside world, we got a few glimpses behind the scenes, like this private party at the Olympic Training Camp in Knoxville, Tennessee. Their video parody of the ubiquitous Call Me Maybe pop song, however, memorialized the fun and has since gone on to claim global kudos. Produced by Kathleen Hersey and Caitlin Leverenz and Alyssa Anderson, 95% of the US Olympic Swimming Team is respresented. To date, the video has been viewed over 15 million times.
Honorable Mentions
Elon Club Swim Team’s Gangnam Style
“Call Me Maybe” Michael Phelps & Ryan Lochte Music Parody
Matt Grevers/Annie Chandler proposal (original video blocked by IOC on copyright grounds)
I hate this style of music but the video is funny.
Stil loving the call me maybe swim team parody.
The first video presented here was really sweet , full of joy and motivation to all olympians . Great stuff .