Tyler Card Added To USA Swimming Banned For Life List

Former Michigan High School swim coach Tyler Card, who was charged with accosting a child for immoral purposes and using the internet to communicate with another to commit a crime after sending sexual messages to a former athlete over a social messaging app, was added to the USA Swimming banned for life list.

Card was added to the list by breaching code of conduct sections 304.3.6, 304.3.7, and 304.3.19.

The code of conduct sections read as follows:


Conviction of, imposition of a deferred sentence for, or any plea of guilty or no contest at any time, past or present, or the existence of any pending charges, for (i) any felony, (ii) any offense involving use, possession, distribution or intent to distribute illegal drugs or substances, (iii) any crime involving sexual misconduct, or (iv) any criminal offense against a minor.


A.  Any inappropriate sexual conduct or advance, or other inappropriate oral, written, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature at any time, past or present, directed towards an athlete or any person under the age of eighteen (18) by (i) a coach member or other non-athlete member, or (ii) any other adult participating in any capacity whatsoever in the activities of USA Swimming (whether such adult is a member or not).

B.  Any act of sexual harassment, including without limitation unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate oral, written, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature in connection with or incidental to a USA Swimming-related activity by any person participating in the affairs or activities of USA Swimming (whether such person is a member or not) directed toward any member or other person participating in the affairs or activities of USA Swimming.

C.  A romantic or sexual relationship, even if it is a consensual relationship between adults, which began during the swimming relationship, between athletes and those individuals (i) having direct

supervisory or evaluative control, or (ii) who are in a position of power and trust over the athlete. Except in circumstances where no imbalance of power exists, coaches have this direct supervisory or evaluative control and are in a position of power and trust over those athletes they coach. The prohibition on romantic or sexual relationships does not include those relationships where it

can be demonstrated that there is no imbalance of power. For example, this prohibition does not apply to a relationship between two spouses or life partners which existed prior to the swimming relationship. For factors that may be relevant to determining whether an imbalance of power exists, consult the USOC’s Safe Sport Policies at www.teamusa.org/Footer/Legal/Governance-Documents.

D.  Any peer-to-peer sexual abuse. For the purposes of the Code of Conduct, the term “peer-to-peer sexual abuse” shall mean any unwelcome physical conduct of a sexual nature directed towards a minor athlete by another minor athlete.


304.3.19 Any other material and intentional act, conduct or omission not provided for above, which is detrimental to the image or reputation of USA Swimming, a LSC or the sport of swimming.

Card plead guilty to the above charges and was sentenced to three-years probation which includes sex offender treatment, no contact with the victim, the inability to work or reside within 1000 feet of a school. Card also had to register as a tier two sex offender.


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8 years ago

Just saying…idk if anyone else has seen these “arrest record secrets” ads but it does seem to be a bit ironic at the very least to be displaying those on a webiste who regularly reports on sexual abuse cases. Just seems like a poor choice of advertsing to me, given that its one of those blatantly bs clickbait things. But hey its free content so i really cant complain too much.

About Mitch Bowmile

Mitch Bowmile

Mitch worked for 5-years with SwimSwam news as a web producer focusing on both Canadian and international content. He coached for Toronto Swim Club for four seasons as a senior coach focusing on the development of young swimmers. Mitch is an NCCP level 2 certified coach in Canada and an ASCA Level …

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