Swim England

Scotland Has Soft Reopening While England Faces Leisure Pool Crisis

Swim England Chief Executive Jane Nickerson reveals a new report that one in five swimming pools will permanently close due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Roughly a Quarter of Pools in England Still Shut Despite Go-Ahead To Reopen

The #saveleisure campaign is pleading with the UK Government to assist facilities who have been unable to reopen their doors (pictured: Joe&Max Litchfield)

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England’s Pools Can Open On July 11th (Outdoor) & July 25th (Indoor)

After weeks of waiting, the nation of England finally learned when their indoor and outdoor swimming facilities can reopen. 

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Swim England Annuncia Tagli Al Personale E Riorganizzazione Struttura

Swim England annuncia la riorganizzazione della sua struttura in seguito alla crisi provocata dalle chiusure imposte dalla pandemia di coronavirus

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Swim England Cuts Workforce While Petitioning For Pool Reopenings

Swim England, the organization that governs aquatics within the nation, is facing some difficult realities internally to deal with coronavirus fallout.

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Pools In England May Possibly Open In Early July

Swimmers may be able to dive into England’s pools yet, as there are positive signs coming from the government for a possible early July opening.


Inghilterra: Governo Valuta Riaperture-Ad Oggi Piscine Ancora Chiuse

Inghilterra: La maggior parte dei nuotatori non è ancora tornata ad allenarsi in acqua. Oggi governo in visita in quattro piscine per valutare i protocolli

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Swim England CEO Sees “Positive Signs” Toward Possible Pool Reopenings

English government and public health officials have toured 4 swimming pools as a way to view first-hand how the facilities are able to operate safely. 

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In Inghilterra Riaprono Pub, Cinema, Negozi Ma Non Le Piscine

In Inghilterra scoppia la polemica per il mancato via libera del Governo alla riapertura delle piscine. Swim England lancia la campagna Open Our Pools

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In Inghilterra Bandito Lo Stile A Farfalla Come Precauzione Anti COVID

In Inghilterra le linee guida per la riapertura delle piscine hanno bandito lo stile farfalla. Le bracciate ampie non sarebbero in linea con le misure

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Swim England Chiede Aiuti Al Governo E Fa Partire Una Raccolta Fondi

Swim England invia lettera al governo per chiedere aiuti finanziari agli impianti che a causa del periodo di chiusura rischiano di fallire

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Swim England Sends Letter Urging Government To Address Financial Issues

Swim England and key stakeholders have signed a joint letter urging the nation’s government to address with haste the uncertain future facing swimming pools.

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Swim England Confirms Open Water Swimming Now Permitted In Small Groups

As of June 1st, English athletes may engage in open water swimming in small groups. More details coming shortly from the organization.


Swim England Seeking Clarity on Training Options Under New COVID Guidelines

The national governing body suggested it might condone returning to training in small groups after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s announcement Thursday.

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Swim England Cancella Tutti Gli Eventi Ancora In Programma Nel 2020

Swim England, l’ente nazionale che governa gli sport acquatici in Inghilterra, ha annunciato la cancellazione di tutti gli eventi rimanenti per quest’anno

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