Paolo Barelli

Venduti 14Mila biglietti per i prossimi CAMPIONATI EUROPEI VASCA CORTA

Mancano ancora due mesi all’appuntamento che chiuderà in bellezza un anno sicuramente da incorniciare per i colori italiani del nuoto….

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14,000 Tickets Sold Two Months Out from 2017 European SC Championships

14,000 tickets have been sold for the first sporting event at the Royal Arena.

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Dale Neuburger on FINA, Conflict of Interest, and Transparency, Part 3

In the final article following our interview with FINA VP Dale Neuburger, we delve into transparency, conflict of interest allegations, and the measures Neuburger has taken to avoid controversy.


Il Presidente FIN Paolo Barelli apre un’inchiesta sul caso Pellegrini

Una giornata ricca di aggiornamenti per quello che è diventato un vero e proprio “Caso”. Soltanto poche ore fa abbiamo…

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Si apre oggi a Torino il Convegno Nazionale degli Allenatori di Nuoto

Si apre oggi, venerdì 6 Ottobre 2017, presso la sala congressi del Collegio San Giuseppe, in via San Francesco da…

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Dale Neuburger on FINA, Conflict of Interest, and Transparency, Part 2

Last week week readers got acquainted with Dale Neuburger, in his own words. Today we continue our discussion with Neuburger, posing questions on athlete representation, the Global Association of Professional Swimmers (GAPS), and deciding who gets a seat at the table.


LEN Offers Increased Prize Money for European Aquatics Competitions

The Royal Arena will play host to Europe’s best swimmers in December.

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Dale Neuburger in FINA, conflitti di interessi e trasparenza – parte1

Forse il nome di Dale Neuburger non vi dice nulla, ed allora ripercorriamo per un istante parte della campagna per l’elezione…

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Dale Neuburger on FINA, Conflict of Interest, and Transparency, Part 1

SwimSwam spoke with Dale Neuburger about this summer’s FINA Elections, conflicts of interest, and the build to Tokyo 2020.


La LEN lancia l’accusa: l’Europa merita di più

La LEN (Lega Europea del Nuoto) in seguito all’elezione dei vertici FINA e di diversi comitati che governano le sei…

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Una serata di gala per celebrare i nostri Meravigliosi atleti

Roma, lunedì 25 settembre 2017: red carpet tirato a lucido. Sfilano in eleganti outfits da Gran Galà gli atleti che…

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LEN Cries “Europe Deserves More” Representation in FINA

In a post on LEN’s website titled “Europe Deserves More,” the continental federation alleges unfairness by FINA and claims European countries are not given substantial representation in the organization.

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Paolo Barelli Criticizes Appointments To FINA Committees

European Swimming Federation President Paolo Barelli was unsuccessful in his bid for the FINA presidency this summer.

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FINA President Appoints Hungarian to Executive Post

Tamas Gyarfas, whose federation is hosting this summer’s World Championships, has been appointed to the FINA Executive.


Julio Maglione Re-Elected as FINA President

FINA, the world governing body for 6 aquatic disciplines including swimming, has re-elected Julio Maglione as the president of the federation….