Dolfin Gains Momentum in Swimwear Market, Launching Brand’s New Look
Dolfin President/CEO Jim Korth: “The transition from the old logo to the new one is very symbolic to our growth within the swimwear market. We’re extremely proud of our legacy and company values we’ve stood by for nearly 75 years.”
Dolfin signs Olympic Swimmer Andrew Gemmell
Dolfin, Jade Swimwear, LP, is proud to announce the sponsorship of Olympic distance swimmer Andrew Gemmell to its roster of elite athletes.
Schubert and Havercroft lawsuits end in settlements
Two major legal battles within the sport of swimming have ended in settlements, the Orange County Register reports.
Dagny Knutson suing her former lawyer over 2011 agreement with USA Swimming
Former American record-holder Dagny Knutson has filed a lawsuit against Richard Foster, her former lawyer who was also formerly president of USA Water Polo.
Photo Vault: Images from the CCCAA California State Meet
The Golden West College men’s team repeated as California state champions at the 2014 CCCAA meet. Photo: Anne Lepesant
Emily Brunemann Joins Dolfin Swim
NCAA Champion and FINA 10K Marathon World Cup Champion
Dolfin Signs World Champion Michael Klueh
Jim Korth, President of Dolfin (Jade Swimwear, LP) and Mark Schubert, Director of Technical Development, recently announced the signing of Michael Klueh as a member of its Athlete’s Advisory Board.
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Dolfin Signs Olympic Medalist Haley Anderson
Anderson: “I’m excited to partner with Dolfin to make my dream of becoming a professional swimmer a reality. I loved their suits since I started swimming and I’m excited to start my journey towards the next Olympics with them.”
Dolfin 2014 Swimwear Line Available Now Including Platinum 2 Series Tech Suits
Platinum 2 Series Tech Suits (Image courtesy of Dolfin Swimwear)
Speedo vs. TYR: A Legal Analysis of the Tech Suit Debacle
In his paper, “The Need for Speed: How High-Technology Swimsuits Changed the Sport of Swimming”, law student David Meyer discusses the legal aspects of the 2009 tech suit debacle
Everyone Deserves The Chance To Swim Fast in Dolfin’s Platium2
FINA APPROVED. Tested and approved by top national coaches and swimmers.
Lessons From Legends: Shirley Babashoff, Is your best good enough?
Chuck Warner talks about Shirley Babashoff and the East German women of the 1970’s.
Mark Schubert, 8-time Olympic Coach, Joins Dolfin Swimwear
“Mark Schubert is one of the leading coaches in the world at the Elite level of competitive swimming. Currently the Head Coach and CEO of Golden West Swim Club, and the Head Coach of Swimming at Golden West College, Mr. Schubert recently served as USA Swimming’s National Team Head Coach (2009 to 2010) as well as a coach for eight US Olympic Swimming Teams.” (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)
Mind Grinder Swimming Sets and Exploring Your Limits
Chuck Warner, author and coach, is an old friend. Thoughtful and passionate about the sport, he has studied the details…
2012 SWAMMY AWARDS: Person of the Year, Bob Allard
Child advocacy attorney Robert Allard was involved in many extremely high-profile cases in the last year.