Marc-Antoine Olivier

Olivier And Beck Earn Top Spots At First Stop Of FINA 2020 Marathon Series

France’s Marc-Antoine Olivier and Leonie Beck of Germany took first at the first of 10 stop on the 2020 FINA/CNSG Marathon Swim World Series.

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FINA World Series Doha: I Risultati Della 10 Km Femminile E Maschile

FINA World Series. Nelle acque libere di Doha si sono chiuse le gare dei 10 Km. Paltrinieri è quinto, mentre Arianna Bridi si ferma ai piedi del podio

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Golden Tour Camille Muffat 2020 Al Via Oggi. Premi Per Le Batterie

Il Golden Tour 2020 si svolgerà a partire da oggi, 7 Febbraio nella piscina Jean Bouin in memoria della medaglia olimpica Camille Muffat

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2020 FFN Golden Tour Nice: Heat Swim $ Forfeited If Athletes Scratch Finals

Swimmers at the FFN Golden Tour this weekend in Nice will only get paid if they carry over their heats appearances to the finals.

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China’s Chen Denies Medeiros 50 Back Gold To Close Out Military Games

China ran away with the pool swimming team trophy at the 2019 Military World Games, with Chen Jie just one of the nation’s 5 gold medalists tonight.

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Wang Shun Hits 1:56 2IM; Yang Junxuan 1:56 2Free On Day 2 Of Military Games

Wang Shun led a 1-2 Chinese punch in the men’s 200m IM, clocking 1:56.25 with teammate Qin Haiyang also speedy in 1:56.79.

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Retour sur les Championnats du monde 2019 d’eau libre avec Stephane Lecat

Objectifs, préparation, Jeux Olympiques… le directeur de l’Equipe de France d’eau libre Stephane Lecat revient avec nous sur les Championnats du monde 2019

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Newly-Minted French 400 IM Record Holder Leon Marchand Wins Open Water Race

17-year-old Leon Marchand usually swims the 400m IM and 200 breast pool events, but he tried his first open water race on for size.

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Off the Grid During Worlds? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Catch up on the biggest stories from one of the craziest weeks in swimming history.


Axel Reymond sacré champion du monde, Lara Grangeon en bronze

Le Français Axel Reymond remporte la médaille d’or du 25 km en eau libre, tandis que Lara Grangeon décroche le bronze. La France est sacrée meilleure nation

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L’équipe de France d’eau libre perd son titre du relais 5km

Le relais français composé de Lara Grangeon, David Aubry, Aurélie Muller et Marc-Antoine Olivier n’a pas su conserver son titre à Yeosu et se classe 6e.

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Cunha and Reymond Defend 25K Titles in Tremendous Conditions

Ana Marcela Cunha (above) Brazil won her 4th 25km title in the last 5 editions, and her 2nd gold medal of these World Championships.


Revivez les instants forts de la course d’Aurélie Muller – VIDEO

La série Instant Bleu, publiée sur la chaine Youtube de la FFN, suit l’Equipe de France d’eau libre pendant les championnats du monde

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Marc-Antoine Olivier et David Aubry qualifiés pour les JO de Tokyo sur 10km

Marc-Antoine Olivier a remporté la médaille d’argent du 10 km en eau libre, ainsi qu’une qualification pour les JO 2020. David Aubry, 10e, l’accompagnera

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Wellbrock gana los 10km del mundial; Martínez se clasifica para Tokio 2020

La prueba reina de aguas abiertas del mundial ha dejado los 10 primeros clasificados para los Juegos Olímpicos 2020, entre ellos al español Alberto Martínez.

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