maddilyn geyer

Lincoln Charter girls, Davidson Boys Repeat as NCHSAA 1A/2A State Champions

The meet was highlighted by senior Jacob Jensen, who set the 1A/2A state record in the 50 free after dropping nearly a second since November.

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Junior Nationals Qualifier Rylee Moore Sends Verbal to TCU for 2021

2019 LHSAA DIII Swimmer of the Meet Rylee Moore has verbally committed to swim for Texas Christian University beginning in the 2021-2022 season.

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Rathle Sets Pair of Records at Louisiana D3 Championships

Rathle went on to win the 200 IM individually, breaking the LHSAA Record with a 1:49.91. He then broke his own D3 Record with a 56.41 win in the 100 breast.

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