Chalmers In A ‘Good Place’, Eyes Short Course World Title
“It’s just about how long my body and mind hold up for, really,” says Olympic champion Kyle Chalmers as he reveals his short-term swimming goals.
Kyle Chalmers Premiato Con Un Murale In Suo Onore
Kyle Chalmers è tra gli australiani del Sud inseriti in un murale dipinto che celebra le icone più amate e riconosciute dello Stato.
Beyond The Lane Lines: Kyle Chalmers Honored With Painted Mural
Check out the latest edition of Beyond the Lane Lines, featuring Aussies Kyle Chalmers, Ariarne Titmus, Cate Campbell and more.
Shaine Casas and Hali Flickinger Confirmed for 2022 FINA World Cup Circuit
Casas and Flickinger are the latest swimmers that FINA has announced as set to race at the 2022 FINA World Cup, which kicks off in Berlin on October 21.
FINA World Cup: Confermata La Presenza Di Nicolò Martinenghi
FINA ha annunciato un altro gruppo di atleti che ha confermato la partecipazione alle tre tappe della serie. Tra questi Nicolò Martinenghi.
Madi Wilson, Chad le Clos, And Kira Toussaint Join 2022 FINA World Cup Lineup
Chad le Clos, Madi Wilson, and Kira Toussaint are set to race at the 2022 FINA World Cup, which kicks off in Berlin on October 21.
FINA World Cup Berlin: Deutsche und internationale Topschwimmer am Start
Topschwimmer aus der ganzen Welt eröffnen vom 21. bis 23. Oktober in Berlin die diesjährige FINA Word Cup Serie. Weitere…
Thomas Ceccon Tra I Confermati Delle 3 Tappe Di FINA World Cup
La serie 2022 della FINA World Cup partirà il 21 Ottobre da Berlino, per poi spostarsi in Canada e negli Stati Uniti. Ceccon tra i confermati
Post-NCAA Sates To Join Masse, Ceccon, Chalmers, And More At 2022 FINA World Cup
Among those confirmed for the 2022 FINA World Cup are Matt Sates, Louise Hansson, Kyle Chalmers, Anastasia Gorbenko, and Kylie Masse.
SwimSwam Pulse: 73% Believe 200 Free Will Be Next 2009 World Record To Fall
The men’s 200 free edged out the women’s 200 free as the event in which readers believe the next world record from 2009 will go down.
Da Popov A Popovici: I Secondi 50m Più Veloci Della Storia Nei 100 Stile
Popovici non è solo il detentore del record del mondo, ma anche colui che ha chiuso i 100 stile per più volte sotto i 25 secondi
From Popov to Popovici: A Look Back at Amazing 100 Free Back-Half Splits
Romanian sensation David Popovici now owns nine of the 15 fastest back-half splits in the history of the men’s 100-meter freestyle.
Ufficializzata La Nazionale Australiana Per I Mondiali In Vasca Corta
Swimming Australia ha reso noto il proprio roster formato da 36 atleti per i Campionati mondiali di nuoto in vasca corta del 2022.
Swimming Australia Announces 36-Strong Roster For 2022 Short Course Worlds
Australia will send 36 swimmers to the 2022 World Short Course Championships, which will occur on home soil in December 2022.
Chalmers Completes Freestyle Domination At Aussie SC Championships
Multi-Olympic medalist Kyle Chalmers kept his speed going on the final night of the 2022 Australian Short Course Championships.