Estados Unidos regula las posibles manifestaciones de los atletas en los Trials
La publicación de un manual de comportamiento que habilita protestas y prohíbe algunos elementos específicos alcanza a todos los deportes olímpicos de EEUU.
SwimSwam Podcast: Kirsty Coventry on Why Winning at Any Level Matters
Kirsty describes how winning at any level is important as it shows you the hard work you put in as an athlete is finally paying off
Epic Swims: Kirsty Coventry Sets WR, Wins Gold in 200 Back at 2009 Worlds
In the finals of the 200m backstroke at the 2009 FINA World Championships in Rome, Kirsty Coventry won gold and set a new world record of 2:04.81.
We Are Your Voice: La FINA Ascolta Il Parere Degli Atleti
FINA sta dimostrando vicinanza ai nuotatori in questo periodo di incertezze. We are your voice, per ascoltare il parere dei campioni sui temi che li toccano
IOC to Consult With Athletes’ Commission on Protests, Expression at Olympics
In a statement Wednesday, the IOC said it plans to consult with its Athletes’ Commission on how Olympians can “express themselves,” however.
Semifinal Shockers: 10 Epic Swims From Semifinals That Inspired Us
Here we count down some of the greatest performances from semifinal races of the last 20-ish years. These races are just as memorable as the finals.
Las cuatro opciones que estudia la FINA para aplazar el próximo Mundial
Atletas y federaciones nacionales fueron consultados para definir en qué fecha reprogramar el Mundial de Fukuoka 2021. Aquí, las alternativas que se manejan
Comitato Atleti FINA Invia Questionario Agli Atleti Per Date Mondiali
Il Comitato atleti di FINA ha inviato un questionario ad atleti in tutto il mondo per raccogliere le loro opinioni sulle date dei prossimi Mondiali 2021
Athletes’ Survey Tips Hand to Makeup Dates for 2021 World Championships
A survey sent to global aquatic athletes asks them to choose a preference between 4 possible makeup date ranges for the 2021 World Aquatics Championships.
CIO Incontra Commissione Atleti: “Importante Avere Certezza Sulle Date”
Il CIO incontra la Commissione Atleti per la prima volta da quando sono state stabilite le date per i Giochi Olimpici nel 2021
IOC Athletes’ Commission Holds First Meeting With New Olympic Dates In Mind
The IOC AC conducted a call with over 150 athletes representatives to collect feedback and address questions and concerns over the new Olympic timeline.
IOC Athletes’ Commission Supports Decision to Move Olympics to 2021
Headed by 7-time Olympic medal winning swimmer Kirsty Coventry, the IOC Athletes’ Commission has publicly remained in lockstep with the IOC throughout the process.
IOC Chair Kirsty Coventry: “Athletes Want The Olympic Games To Continue”
Kirsty Coventry, IOC Athletes Committee Chair, gave the details pertaining to a call that took place yesterday. She says athletes want the Olympics in July.
Il CIO Delibera Le Linee Guida Per Le Proteste Alle Olimpiadi 2020
Il CIO ha deliberato le linee guida per le proteste alle Olimpiadi 2020. Vietata qualsiasi forma di protesta durante le cerimonie ufficiali
IOC Athletes’ Commission Releases Rule 50 Guidelines On Podium & Other Protests
The IOC Athletes Commission released guidelines pertaining to Rule 50 of the charter in order to avoid protests, political or otherwise, at the 2020 Olympics.