Swim Smart & Fog-X Team Up To Bring You Anti-Fog Goggle Inserts

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July 09th, 2021 Gear, Training

Courtesy of Swim Smart, a SwimSwam partner.

“They work! Have been using the FOG-X inserts for a few weeks, and can honestly say: They WORK! I never have to stop to clear my goggles because they’re fogged up.”

We all just want to fix swimming problems. What bigger, more annoying problem is there than foggy goggles?! That’s why Swim Smart and Fog-X have teamed up to bring you the final say in anti-fog technology.

Purchase HERE!

“I’ve been testing these inserts in various goggles, even my 30-year-old Swedes, and they work great. A quick dip in the water, a little shake to get any extra water out, and put on the goggles. So simple and incredibly effective. Nicely done.”

Glenn Mills, Olympian and found of GoSwim.tv

Want to offer Fog-X in your store or on your website? Contact info@fogxsolutions.com for wholesale pricing and information!

Parents… need some anti-fog for your glasses wearing that mask on a hot humid pool deck? Check out Fog-X for Glasses too! Born out of the COVID pandemic, these larger versions of Fog-X are meant to be used in regular glasses which fogged up when healthcare workers wore masks.

Purchase HERE!

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Swim Smart was founded by Karl Hamouche and Mike Peterson. We are coaches fixing swimming problems. Every product we created was to help our own kids improve and we hope they can help your swimmers too! At the core of everything we do, we just want swimmers and coaches to be more engaged in workout.

We would love the chance to Partner with you and your team (and vendors) to get you want you need and get your athletes swimming smarter!

Swim Smart is a SwimSwam partner.

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