Swedish Top Coach Will Be Sigma Swim’s New Head Coach

by SwimSwam 0

October 31st, 2017 Europe, International, News

Press Release courtesy of SigmaSwim

Jonas Lundström joins Sigma Swim from a position as elite coach at Helsingborg Simsällskap, one of Swedens dominating swim clubs.  For a number of years Jonas participated as coach at the Swedish national team.   Since 2006 he coached swimmers selected for EC, WC and OG, as well as 12 different Swedish champions.

International profile substantiates Sigma Swim vision

No big secret, Sigma Swim have great ambitions for the future, explaining the search for an international profile – Now perfectly personified via the hire of Jonas Lundström.

– In Sigma Swim we work with dedication towards qualifying our swimmers for EC, WC, OG as well as EJC.   This is why it has been highly important for us that our future elite coach holds international results in his CV, Inga Nørby, chairman of the board in Sigma Swim Birkerød comments.  Her colleague chairman of the board of Sigma Swim Allerød, Louise Krag Andersen, adds:

– By hiring Jonas Lundström, we believe we have found the coach that will continue and expand our ambition to be amongst the leading swim clubs in Denmark – and in Scandinavia.

Joy in swimming is founding drive

What is the big secret behind Jonas Lundströms many impressing results?  Asking him, there is no doubt at all:

– My greatest concern and value as coach is to ensure that, my swimmers experience a fundamental joy in swimming.  In addition, extremely important parameters are that the swimmers are persistent and curious to continuously develop their skills.

About his goals as Sigma Swim coming head coach, he states:

– One of the goals is obviously that Sigma Swim becomes the leading – most winning, senior- and junior level swim club in Denmark. Another goal is that Sigma Swim becomes leading in Scandinavia or even Europe, and that Sigma Swim holds the leading elite environment in Denmark – and that potential I can definitely see in Sigma!

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