Phelps & Bowman Look To The Future Of ASU

by Retta Race 6

February 11th, 2016 College, News, Pac-12

The excitement surrounding having the greatest Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps, on deck continues to grow at Arizona State University.

Not only has Phelps integrated himself with the Sun Devil student athletes via his famous Curtain of Distraction appearance and by proudly sporting ASU’s pitchfork-emblazoned cap during daily training, but the soon-t0-be father is already looking forward to assisting Head Coach Bob Bowman next season.

Phelps says that standing beside his long-time coach on deck will bring a different, unique dynamic to the program, especially since he stresses that the two are having the most fun they’ve each had in their intertwining careers.  The daily dose of sunshine is certainly a bonus, as the pair has trained indoors primarily in Baltimore for Phelps’ entire career. Phelps says his head is ‘clearer’ when training outdoors.

Bowman conveys just how much value having Phelps as an assistant coach will be, saying, “Besides being the best swimmer that ever swam, Michael knows more about this sport than anyone.”

“He’s been a student of the sport for a very long time and he studies the trends of the sport.  Michael has worked through cutting edge technique for quite a while now.  He knows what the process is all about and I think he’ll be able to transmit that information to our student-athletes,” Bowman continued.

Phelps concurs saying, “It’s exciting for next year because Bob and I have so much knowledge about the sport and so much passion about the sport the opportunities are endless for what could happen here.”



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9 years ago

I float them!

Reply to  KONA
9 years ago


9 years ago

More power to Coach Bob Bowman, Coach MP and the entire ASU Swim Program! Can’t wait for my girl to start this school year. #Isleta 2020

9 years ago

Speaking of college programs!

Would love to see MP bend the ear of that Maryland grad and Under Armour Founder to put money back into the ath dept out east and get the program resurrected. It kills me to see a facility like the one at Maryland not have a college team, especially in a conference like the Big Ten… Come on, MP, make the impact you said you wanted to on the sport and bring back the Maryland program!

Reply to  coacherik
9 years ago

I couldn’t agree more…we come down from NJ every January to swim at SVP Winterfest…the facility is beautiful and world class…astonishing that, in a conf like the Big10, there aren’t teams there to utilize it…

Reply to  coacherik
9 years ago

It really is a shame. We have a lot of talent here in Maryland and if our high schoolers want to swim in college UMCP is a nonstarter. It’s our flagship school, beautiful facility and no swim team. Very disappointing.

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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