Open Turn: The Haney Project

by Garrett McCaffrey 5

May 03rd, 2013 News, Open Turn

Like many normal people, retirement has given Michael Phelps a lot more time for golf. Phelps was this season’s featured golfer on The Haney Project. The show, which airs on the Golf Chanel, pairs Phelps with professional golf coach Hank Haney who has coached such PGA stars as Tiger Woods. The season has concluded and Phelps improved leaps and bounds on the links. It was a unique look at Michael Phelps the athlete and the person.

In this episode of Open Turn, Garrett McCaffrey talks about the show with Masters World Record Holder and overall swim enthusiast David Guthrie. They discuss what they learned about Phelps, what surprised them, why the show worked, and which other swim stars would be good on a reality show.

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11 years ago

Great video!
I really enjoyed watching phelps’ progression and the insight into his personality on the Haney Project as well.

Loretta Race
11 years ago

Garrett was so on-point with his analysis of the show. Loved seeing glimpses of Phelps’ personality, learning process, and coach relationship. Makes me lament his retirement even more!

11 years ago

I really enjoyed the show. It kinda reminds me a little of “Shaq vs.” show where Bob Bowman was in a similar situation – he had to teach Shaq how to swim. Both Bowman and Haney worked with superb athletes who didn’t know much about their new sport.

11 years ago

The only people who ought play golf are those that look good in polo shirts .

Further they cannot have chicken legs poking out of belted shorts.

Maybe we will get a croquet style revival with Gatsby – jacquard vests , linen shirts , knickerbockers & long socks & caps.

bobo gigi
Reply to  Jg
11 years ago

I don’t understand anything. But like most of your comments.

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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