
Petitioning For Sarah Sjostrom To Swim A SCY 50 Freestyle Before Retirement

What do you think Sarah Sjostrom (Sweden) could go in a SCY 50 freestyle, flat start and flying start?


Vilna 2024: lluvia de medallas españolas en el cierre

Enorme culminación en el Campeonato Europeo Junior, que se disputó en Lituania. En total, han sido cinco medallas en la última jornada.

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Cayman Siblings Jordan and Jillian Crooks Set for Paris Olympics

Jordan Crooks sets his sights on becoming the Cayman Islands’ first swimmer to reach an Olympic final. He will race alongside his sister, Jillian.


Tajus Juska Becomes Youngest Swimmer to Break 49 Seconds in 100 Freestyle

Lithuanian sensation Tajus Juska appears to be the fastest 15-year-old 100 freestyler ever at 48.74, more than a few tenths ahead of Thomas Heilman (49.06).


L’Italia Sbanca Agli Europei Juniores 2024: Conquistate 25 Medaglie, Tra Cui 13 Ori

L’Italia conclude gli Europei Juniores 2024 dominando il medagliere dall’inizio alla fine. Sono 25 le medaglie totali conquistate dagli azzurrini.

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2024 Olympic Preview: Sarah Sjostrom Is Racing for Her Legacy in the Women’s 50 Free

Sweden’s Sarah Sjostrom is one of the greatest swimmers of all-time; a second individual Olympic gold medal would help cement her place in history.


Alessandro Ragaini E Daniele Del Signore Campioni Europei Jr Nei 400 Stile/100 Dorso

Alessandro Ragaini e Daniele del Signore contribuiscono con i due ori conquistati alla fruttuosa giornata di oggi ai Campionati europei juniores in Lituania.

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2024 Olympics Previews: Smith vs. McKeown – Fast, Dangerous and Unpredictable 100 Back Awaits

After a long and arduous quest to reclaim her WR, American Regan Smith will look to add an Olympic gold medal to her list of accolades, but must face off against her foe, Kaylee McKeown.


Europei Juniores 2024: Analisi E Risultati Live Finali Ultimo Giorno

Eccoci giunti all’ultimo giorno di finali qui a Vilnius, Lituania. Si prospetta un finale di campionati con il botto, con dodici eventi in programma.

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2024 European Junior Championships: Day 6 Finals Live Recap

Eneli Jefimova is aiming for a Euro Juniors three-peat in the 100 breast after blasting an Estonian record of 1:06.08 to lead Saturday’s semifinals. 


Campionati Europei Juniores: Analisi Batterie Day 6

Bentornatiin Lituania dove si sono appena concluse le batterie dell’ultima giornata di gara di Europei Juniores 2024. I giochi sono fatti, stasera le finali.

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Australia Announces $489 Million (AUD) Investment in Olympic/Paralympic Sports Over Two Years

Elite Australian athletes will receive $283 million AUD dedicated to direct support, training, and travel-related expenses — a 50% increase from 2021-22.


Amelie Blocksidge Breaks British Junior Record in 800 Free En Route to Euro Junior Title

Amelie Blocksidge won the Euro junior title in 8:30.05, under the British age record for 15-year-old girls (8:31.56) that Holly Hibbott set back in 2015.

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EuroJunior 2024: Quinto Oro Per Curtis, 6/6 Staffette A Podio E Giannelli Di Bronzo

In testa al medagliere europeo c’è ancora l’Italia, inamovabile sin dal primo giorno di gare. La spedizione raggiunge la quota 17 medaglie.

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Vilna 2024: segundo podio y plaza olímpica para Laura Cabanes

La selección española ahora cuenta con seis medallas en el Campeonato Europeo Junior que se disputa en Lituania. El detalle del sábado.

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