Mount Pleasant, LTP To Merge Into New South Carolina Swim Club

The Mount Pleasant Swim Club and the LTP Racing Club will be merging this spring to form the South Carolina Swim Club, with former SwimMAC coach Pam Swander leading the brand-new program.

We reported yesterday on an e-mail from SwimMAC announcing Swander’s departure from the program this spring, and now the South Carolina Swim Club has confirmed that Swander will be heading up the newly-merged program.

Swander will serve as Head Coach and Club Director for South Carolina Swim Club, which will now serve about 500 swimmers – each of the two former clubs featured roughly 250 swimmers. The South Carolina Swim Club will span four different pools and should have a combined coaching staff of around 20.

Swander will take over the new position beginning on April 1. The South Carolina Swim Club released a statement from Swander on the new position:

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to move to the Charleston area to join one of the country’s up-and-coming programs,” said Swander. “I have had a remarkable and successful journey with SwimMAC that has made this new opportunity possible. I’m looking forward to joining the quality coaching staff, families, and swimmers at this club and working with everyone to build a championship program in Charleston.”

You can find that quote and more information on her coaching career in the SCSC bio here.

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9 years ago

In this name controversy, why not East Cooper Swim Club if you wanted to establish identity(regarding location) without using Mount Pleasant in the name. I think using Charleston Swim Club would be infringing on the new City of North Charleston swim club and SMRT which is run through the City of Charleston-the implication being that the merged team is the only team in the Charleston area. No matter in the grand scheme of things. What’s done is done. Each program (LTP, MPSC, SMRT, and City of North Charleston) are quality programs with incredible swimmers and history of developing emerging swimmers. As a parent of a Charleston area swimmer, isn’t the real goal to raise well rounded, focused kids? Swimming year… Read more »

MP Swim Fan
9 years ago

This is exciting for Charleston area swimming. Sure to be growing pains, but there are lots of good people on both teams who will make this be a success.

Not sure what the fuss is about the name. Plenty of swim clubs across the country named after their state (Tennessee Aquatics, North Carolina Aquatics, etc). This is not original or earth shattering and far from “pretentious”.

Here is the deal, if you produce fast swimmers, develop good kids and have respectful coaches and other teams in the LSC still hate you because of the name SCSC then that is a “them” problem.

Coach Pam seems to be a first class coach who will run a first class… Read more »

Charles Todd
9 years ago

Pam Swander is a GREAT choice to head this new program. I have known her for many years and she is always willing to support and build the athlete. She is an “athlete first” coach and the country ( low-country) could use more coaches of her caliber. I coach in a different state and can say without question that this will be a tremendous addition to SOUTH CAROLINA SWIMMING!
Enjoy the ride!
Coach Charles Todd

NC Thinking Out Loud
9 years ago

Man…. MAC coach, MAC colors, pretentious name (undercutting EVERY program in the LSC, especially teams that have more than 2 letters in common in the team designation), instant large multi-site model with HUGE potential to absorb more teams in the immediate area….

… You’d think it was MAC trying to spread direct influence into a whole ‘nother State / LSC, No? Wouldn’t that just be a shrewd business move….

Reply to  NC Thinking Out Loud
9 years ago

The team colors for MPSC were already orange and blue; LTP were orange and black. But it could be coincidence they chose to keep those!

Considering how long Coach Swander spent with SwimMAC, she will most likely bring much of the philosophy of SwimMAC with her, including the growth of the business – SCSC. Not sure how it will play out in the long run, but SCSC will now control the majority of the pools in the area, making it difficult, if not impossible, for any other teams to get time or new teams to form.

The name of the team is rather pretentious. The powers-that-be could have chosen a name more representative of the community or even the… Read more »

NC Thinking out loud
Reply to  swimcoach
9 years ago

The Charleston Shark-atees….

9 years ago

Looking at this from the outside I’d guess that LTP has some financial issues to solve. I could be all wrong. Sometimes swim clubs don’t survive in spite of the wonderful families involved but your friendships and memories will.

9 years ago

As a current senior swimmer for MPSC, I without a doubt agree that the way these announcements have been handled by both teams was a bit shaky. For 2 swim teams to learn of this momentous news from a news outlet rather than the leaders of their respective teams is quite disapointing, no doubt. However that is in the past. The parents, coaches, and most importantly, swimmers of each team should be focusing on the future of SCSC swimming. The merger offers a valuable opportunity for both teams to gain an extremely qualified and experienced leader. Yes I understand that many current LTP swimmers left because they did not enjoy a certain coaching style or the general vibe of MPSC,… Read more »

Reply to  MPSCSwimmer
9 years ago

Hi! I am also a MPSC swimmer (gold). I totally agree with you about the name. However, apparently even in Greenville/ Anderson/ other parts of South Carolina, and probably the rest of the country, they have no idea what the “lowcountry” is. So I understand why they would feel the need to say the whole South Carolina. But, I do like the idea of charleston swim club better

Reply to  MPSCSwimmer
9 years ago

What a wonderful, thoughtful, rational and intelligent response. Swim parents take note, THIS is how to engage in civil dialogue.

As a parent with a swimmer at another Charleston area club, I hope it works out well for all parties. Success for SCSC (not crazy about the name, sorry) means success for swimming as a whole in the Lowcountry.

9 years ago

I have swam on smrt ltp and mpsc they are all different isn’t that the point. Why would you have one swim team exactly like another because it’s stupid. parents you need to chill out; you care more about this than the kids. There are friendship that have been broken up over switching teams and now will be regained. This is change and we need to wok toghter and become one swim team one family .!?

9 years ago

Please lets don’t start this merger on a sour note. I think we all want the same thing – for our kids to be in a safe environment, under the leadership of great coaches, to improve to the best of their abilities, and learn about being a team player, supporting one another, work ethic, and dedication. Let us, the adults, be an example to our children how these teams can merge to create a great team for everyone involved – No Us, No Them! These athletes are looking to us to lead by example of accepting what is happening and making it united!

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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