Missy Franklin Crushes 15-16 National Age Group Record

The USA’s Missy Franklin, swimming the leadoff leg on the American 800 free relay, demolished the 15-16 National Age Group Record in the women’s 200 free when she split a 1:55.06. That bettered her mark previously set in prelims of the same race at 1:56.98, and overall does a real number on Dagny Knutson’s old mark of 1:57.73 back in 2009.

Overall, that means that Franklin has cut 2.7 seconds off of the National Age Group Record, but that might not have even been her greatest accomplishment in the swim. She will emerge from this meet with the World’s top time in this race by half-a-second (ahead of Femke Heemskerk and event champion Federica Pellegrini in 1:55.5’s).

It also stands as the fastest time ever by any swimmer from any country outside of the 2008-2009 techsuit era, though Sara Isakovic of Slovenia did swim a 1:54.97 in textile at the 2008 Olympics. Regardless of how you look at it, that’s at least the 2nd-best textile swim in the history of swimming in this women’s 200 free.

The only question now from Franklin seems to be how many events will Missy Franklin choose to swim, and medal in, in London in 2012. She has swum out of her mind in this meet.

Dagny Knutson swam the 2nd leg on this relay, and the Americans went on to win in 7:46.14 (with Katie Hoff and Allison Schmitt finishing off). For the full recap of day 5’s swims, click here.

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12 years ago

Aswim – Very much an ectomorph is Cate. Luckily she is has successful athletic parents & has some genetic strengths & (depending on your gene inheritance theory ) has also inherited their adaptations. (Not all agree that genes adapt in one’s youth & are therefore passed down by reproductive age ).

Also Cate’s mum was a South African national synchronised swimmer & therefore very flexible. Cate’s PE teachers had her doing handball which is a sport where Australia has idiot level IQ. IMO PE teachers are stupid & know nothing of ectomorphs.

Cate contracted Glandular early 2010 during a period of increased training intensity for the 100. She was ready to take over Libby’s role . Got hit hard &… Read more »

12 years ago

what you wrote above about ectomorphs remind me of the bright star of cate campbell that seems to be dimming now.
What’s happened to her?

12 years ago

Further -as fans try not to impose your wishes for MF. She has many years even if things get wobbly to excel in a range of events.

Why does it have to be simultaneous?

I suggest you read the great backstroke coach -Cecil Colwin- on training ectomorphs.

Immune sicknesses hit the extra tall slim types very hard. Always underdo these swimmers.

There can also be a heart syndrome that is closely aligned with ectomorphs. Modern testing is used today but athletes have dropped dead .

Imaging is not perfect . For example it still takes billions of cancer cells to show up in a PET scan.

Not Missy 0but I have seen many ectomorphs ruined even by age 13.

12 years ago

I have not forgotten Hoff’s 800 m at Beijing. The ending was such a psychological low that it is immensely difficult to come out from . You guys should not be dissing her for “personality ‘ whatever that is.

She tried to be a Phelps Phenom & failed. Whatever happened to you Americans ? I notice that anyone who puts their hands up bravely as a pressie candidate is bashed ,slandered & attacked mercilessly using every speech freedom allowed -even accused of mass murder ,suicide waves & just being ordinarily sheer evil.

12 years ago

Braden, my understanding is that times from Nationals will not count for APA and that only results from Worlds and World University Games will, hence the reason for time trials for the relay swimmers.

12 years ago

Franklin accomplishment is a lot more than a age group record.She is more than a FULL second FASTER than german legend Franciska Von Almsick.Its amazing to think what far she will go in her swimming career.

12 years ago

Speaking of nationals, when does the psych sheet come out

12 years ago

What about UF?

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of SwimSwam.com. He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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