Michigan State Comes To $500 Million Settlement With Nassar Victims

Michigan State University has reached a $500 million settlement with victims of Larry Nassarthe former MSU doctor who admitted to sexually abusing women under the pretense of medical treatment.

The Nassar trial become a very public boiling point for the growing sex abuse scandal within organized sport. More that 150 women spoke at Nassar’s sentencing hearing, alleging that he had abused them while claiming to be providing medical treatment. Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison after pleading guilty to 10 counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct. At least one swimmer was among those to testify that Nassar had sexually abused them as children.

Now the New York Times reports that Michigan State has reached a half-a-billion dollar settlement with Nassar victims. Lawyers representing 332 Nassar victims negotiated the settlement with the school. Victims alleged that Michigan State covered up Nassar’s abuse and ignored reports of sexual misconduct.

The Michigan State settlement is only part of several more ongoing legal battles related to Nassar. Lawsuits against USA Gymnastics, the U.S. Olympic Committee and others continue to move forward, per the Times report.

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2 Cents
6 years ago

Not enough. It’s just not enough money for these victims… It should be in the Billions for this. I mean seriously?!?!? 332 victims?!?!? this should have been caught earlier and stopped way sooner than it was… $500M is a GREAT deal for Mich St. It should be way more. And this is just the MSU side… USA gymnastics and even the USOC should be paying up as well. Hell, even the NCAA should be forking over some for these egregious acts that occurred.

Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

But will they go away now ? Doubt it ( Mikkayla already spent her 1st one million ) . US puts out new teams like an assembly line -. are we supposed to not think ‘ ok more abused kids so do we have to cheer louder or look at them sympathetically ‘ Judges give the poor brave survivors an extra .3.

What is the etiquette now ?

Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

This is an awful reply. Have some decency.

Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  Elle
6 years ago

USA ought to have been banned for 3 years including thebOlympics . It is heinous what they have done to the sport . USA wrangled its way into the power behind the Italian FIG President & every rule change , every shift in judging , style , component , was driven by the US since 2002 .

When Romania won the team gold in 2004 a massive internet fan attack was launched that drove those girls out of the sport . When China won team gold in 2008 a massive attack by US coaches , officials , fans , media got their style downgraded . Happy days USA won in 2012 & 2016 .

We used to see… Read more »

2 Cents
Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

If Russia was never suspended and other countries with horrendous reputations for human rights violations or even countries like China who have a history with their abuse and treatment of children aren’t suspended, why start with USA gymnastics.

Why make the athletes victims again because of the governing bodies ineptitude and evilness?

“Sorry Susie, you are the best gymnast in the world but you cant go to the Olympics because you allowed yourself to be sexually assaulted and raped by the team Dr.”

How stupid does that sound??? and that is my point.

2 Cents
Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

Sorry, let me edit that quote I said above..

“Sorry Susie, you are the best gymnast in the world but you cant go to the Olympics because you allowed yourself to be sexually assaulted and/or raped by the team Dr, and since you had the courage with your teammates to come forward and speak out against those at fault and be a strong voice and presence for future generations and to help prevent this heinous act from happening again to young girls/women in the future you are being punished by being banned from representing your country because you were a victim and didn’t break any rules/laws yourself.”

Even more stupid sounding now isn’t it??

Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  2 Cents
6 years ago

US elite womens gymnastics is a cult . You know what you have to do with cults from the top to delegitimise & isolate but they must be broken up . There will be followers out in the wilderness for a while but they generally get over it .

I recommend you read Bukowski’s on Charles Manson’s trial & how he transformed normal girls & women into killers . It was only by sheer luck they broke one of his girls from the cult or Bukowski said would have lost the case . Im not going into it on this site .

Girls can still participate in domestic comps including JO , Levels & NCAA . But even now… Read more »

Displaced Wolverine
6 years ago

If the organizations had done their job it would have been stopped a lot sooner. That being said, 500 million is an absurd hunk of change regardless of if it is deserved. I wonder, where is this money coming from and how does it affect the tuition of the current and future students? Do they cut funding for athletics? Hopefully this is not going to affect the innocent students and student athletes who have absolutely no involvement.

6 years ago

A lot of it was probably paid by layers of insurance but if this was a class action the fees will likely need to be approved by a judge. If it is not a class action fees could be 30-40%.

6 years ago

332. How, just how were 331 of these kids not protected from that monster?

Muddy Canary
6 years ago

Holy smokes, 500 million for 332 victims. Any legal people out there able to put this into context after legal fees? Sounds like a good chunk of change to each of the victims (deservedly so).

Reply to  Muddy Canary
6 years ago

It would be interesting to see the details of the settlement, if they are available anywhere. Will MSU be paying this money in a lump sum, or is it over a long period of time (in which case I assume the attorneys get paid first)?

Reply to  Ferb
6 years ago

Insurance will pay the freight. I read that this would only be settled with multiple insurance companies involved and their agreement on what could and would be paid.

2 Cents
Reply to  Muddy Canary
6 years ago

Not enough. Not even close to enough.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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