David Duchovny, aka Agent Mulder, Swims
Duchovny: “Sometimes when I’m swimming, I think that maybe someday I’ll put my red Speedo up for auction. Or maybe I’ll donate it to the Smithsonian. They can stuff it with two plums and a gherkin and put it on display.”
The Callout: April 2, 2012
Davis Wuolle calls out Omega Timing and Nathan Adrian … maybe …
Estella Warren, 3-time Canadian National Champion
In honor of Canadian Olympic Trials, Celebrity Swim Tuesday profiles Canadian star, Estella Warren. “I really wanted to go to the Olympics,” Estella explained, “but everyone wanted me to model for them, so I said why not!”
Celebrity Swim Tuesday: Molly Sims, Hilary Rhoda & Kim Alexis
Super model, Molly Sims, swam competitively for over a decade.
Celebrity Swim Tuesday: Timothy Olyphant
Before Timothy Olyphant starred in movies and TV, he was a national swimming finalist in the 200 I.M.
The Callout: March 12, 2012
The first Callout ever. FINA Olympic Qualification, Hilary Phelps and a special thanks.
Only the Good Die Young
Fran Crippen Remembered One Year Later Brings Echoes of Steve Prefontaine
Swim Talk with Texas A&M Captain Amini Fonua
Braden Keith chats with Texas A&M Men’s Swim Team captain Amini Fonua (Photo courtesy: ©2012 Tim Binning)
Video: Jess Schipper Talks MND and Me, Upcoming Olympic Year
Today, I sat down with Australian 5-time World Champion and four-time Olympic medalist Jess Schipper from Australia. We spoke about…
Why is a Swimming Mile only 1650 Yards?
This is the first installment in a series of articles to research and unravel the mysteries of swimming. These mysteries…
Why I Swim
Swimming is far more than just a sport for many of us. Here are just a few of the endless reasons that I swim. This is a great way to be healthy.