How To Help Your Child Build Confidence In The Water

Summer as a kid could quite possibly be the most amazing time on planet earth, at least it was for me! For as long as I can remember my summers growing up ALWAYS involved swimming. Family vacations revolved around swimming and boating at the lake long before I was able to walk. Then, as I grew up summers consisted of cannonballs in the neighbor’s pool, splashing in the creeks while camping and weekly excursions to the community pool. I was definitely a water-loving, sun-seeking, adventure kind of kid. I was also lucky, I was exposed to water at a very early age and never had any qualms about diving right in. I loved the water from day one and still do to this day.

Unfortunately, some kids have different experiences than my own. To many, being submerged into water is a terrifying experience even if they have never had a negative encounter with water. Some just have an inherent fear that will take time, and practice to conquer. Swimming provides so many great benefits, but what do you do when your little ones are scared to take the plunge?



FRANCHISE OVERVIEW:  A swim school with over a decade of proven success and the experience of over five million swimming lessons, SafeSplash’s focus is providing excellence and unexpected value to our franchisees and customers at every turn.

MISSION: Learning to swim is a defining experience in a child’s life, an experience that creates lasting memories similar to learning to ride a bike.  But unlike riding a bike, swimming is important to your child’s safety and development.  At SafeSplash, we understand…swimming is a life skill®.  Our mission is to provide the best possible experience, instructors, curriculum, and environment to the families that we have the honor of serving.  We offer a positive, fun experience to our students with the goal of helping them become a safe, happy, confident, lifelong swimmers.

Swimtastic is a part of the Streamline Brands Family

      SafeSplash | Swimtastic | SwimLabs

Swim Training courtesy of Streamline Brands, a SwimSwam Partner.

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